1 Public Input: 9/23/04Nebraska Consolidated Plan Support Nebraska This Research is in Support of Nebraska Consolidated Plan For Housing and Community Development: Five-Year Strategy
2Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Consolidated Plan Background: In 1994 HUD merged the application processes of: HOME Program (w/ ADDI) CDBG Program ESG Program HOPWA
3Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Consolidated Plan DED is the lead agency responsible for the Cons Plan Consolidated Plan is not really statewide, it excludes Cities of Lincoln and Omaha
4Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska DED Our support process involved: Research and analysis Review Dev. District reports Explore needs issues Recommend objectives & strategies addressing needs
5Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Consolidated Plan Data statewide or by region Housing Trust Fund Regions
6Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Population growth modest
7Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Population density varies
8Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Population growth varies
9Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Age Cohorts: 50.7% Female
10Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics A Large Elderly Population
11Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Minorities growing quickly
12Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Racial Composition
13Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Up to 55% Minority Population 2000 Census
14Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics In ,425 Hispanics
15Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics 16% versus 19.3% Nationally
16Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics 32% of Disabled are Elderly
17Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Household Formation
18Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Persons Per Household by Trust Fund Region
19Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Demographics Household Formation
20Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Household Income
21Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Low Income Concentration
22Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Renter Household Income
23Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Homeowner Household Income
24Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Distribution of LMI Households
25Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Poverty
26Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Labor Force Statistics
27Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Labor Force Statistics
28Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Full and Part-time Employment
29Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Average Real Earnings Per Job
30Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Economics Per Capita Income
31Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Stock
32Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Stock
33Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Stock
34Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Stock
35Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Stock
36Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Stock 2000
37Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Conditions
38Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Conditions
39Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Conditions
40Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Conditions
41Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Production
42Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Prices
43Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Prices
44Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Median Rent and Home Value
45Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing 2000 Cost Burden
46Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Median Gross Rent
47Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Median Home Value
48Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Housing Housing Forecast
49Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Homeless 7 Continuum of Care Regions Plan excludes Lincoln & Omaha
50Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Homeless Homeless Needs
51Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Homeless Homeless Subpopulations Data for five Continuum of Care Regions
52Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Homeless NHAP Homeless Counts NHAP data for five Continuum of Care Regions
53Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Homeless NHAP data by race & ethnicity NHAP data for five Continuum of Care Regions
54Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Development District Reports Issues Expressed Program design and content Specific project preferences Barriers to program efficiencies Longer term issues, goals, and strategies
55Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Development District Reports Summary of Needs Expressed Housing and Homelessness Economic Development Community Development Business Development Planning
56Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Five-Year Strategies Housing: 1. Expand education and outreach 2. Promote housing preservation 3. Expand homeownership 4. Promote additional affordable rental units in selected markets
57Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Five-Year Strategies Homelessness: 1. Promote self-sufficiency and permanent housing 2. Support and facilitate CoC 3. Improve data collection for planning and service delivery
58Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Five-Year Strategies Economic Development: 1. Promote new and expanded export business 2. Foster new opportunities for entrepreneurs and small biz 3. Enhance efficiency of program
59Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Five-Year Strategies Community Development: 1. Increase capacity for infrastructure planning 2. Improve water and wastewater systems throughout Nebr. 3. Assist in infrastructure planning
60Nebraska Consolidated Plan SupportPublic Input: 9/23/04 Nebraska Fair Housing Contact Information: Ms. Jen Bolen Nebr. Department of Economic Development 301 Centennial Mall South, P.O. Box Lincoln, NE or