Acts (doing something to injure a child) CHILD ABUSE can be….. Acts (doing something to injure a child) Omissions (not doing or taking actions necessary to protect a child
CHILD ABUSE INCLUDES….. Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect Sexual
PHYSICAL ABUSE Non-accidental injury May include beating, burning, strangulation, bites
SIGNS OF PHYSICAL ABUSE Unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, head injuries, or black eyes Seems frightened of parents or guardians Shrinks at the approach of adults Is frightened of physical contact, esp. with adults
REMEMBER… Children fall and it is normal for them to have scraped elbows, chins, foreheads, etc. Physical abuse will injure parts of the body that normally don’t have marks from everyday childhood accidents.
PHYSICAL NEGLECT There are 3 or 5 times more cases of neglect than physical abuse. Neglect can permanently damage every aspect of a child’s development, both physical and emotional.
SIGNS OF NEGLECT…. Frequent absences Lacks needed medical or dental care, immunizations, or glasses Is consistently dirty and has severe body odor Lacks sufficient clothing for the weather Is sleepy or lethargic Excessively seeks attention, esp. from adults
EMOTIONAL ABUSE Blaming, belittling, ridiculing, badgering, and constantly ignoring a child’s emotional needs
SIGNS OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE Extremes in behavior—either overly aggressive or overly passive Either inappropriately adult or inappropriately infantile Shows failure to thrive Lack of attachment to the parent/guardian
SEXUAL ABUSE Using a child for any sexual contact or in a sexual situation
FACTS ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE 75% of the offenders are known to the child or the child’s family 90% of the victims are girls Greatest risk is for children under the age of three
SIGNS OF SEXUAL ABUSE Child has difficulty walking or sitting Suddenly refuses to change for gym classes or to participate in physical activities Demonstrates strange, sophisticated or unusual sexual knowledge or behavior
SIGNS OF SEXUAL ABUSE Physical signs of abuse in genital area Chronic stomach aches or other physical complaints Reports of abuse to parent/guardian or other adult caregivers