AP Psychology Review Perspectives across the curriculum
Humanism People People Maslow Maslow Rogers Rogers
Humanism Key Terms and Ideas Key Terms and Ideas Individual choice, Free will Individual choice, Free will Self fulfillment Self fulfillment Unconditional Positive Regard Unconditional Positive Regard Hierarchy of Needs (Self Actualization) Hierarchy of Needs (Self Actualization)
Humanism Methods Methods Person Centered (Rogers) Person Centered (Rogers) Empathy Empathy Emphasis that people are good Emphasis that people are good Non-directive, people choose their own path Non-directive, people choose their own path Active listening Active listening
Humanism Disorders Cause Disorders Cause Lack of control in one’s life Lack of control in one’s life Denial of true thoughts about one’s self, leads to anxiety, prevents self actualization Denial of true thoughts about one’s self, leads to anxiety, prevents self actualization Lack of UPR. (Uncond. Pos. Reg.) Lack of UPR. (Uncond. Pos. Reg.) Therapy Therapy Client-centered Client-centered
Psychoanalytic People People Freud Freud Neo-Freudians (psychodynamic) Neo-Freudians (psychodynamic) Jung- personal unconscious, collective unconscious Jung- personal unconscious, collective unconscious Adler- inferiority and superiority complex Adler- inferiority and superiority complex
Psychoanalytic Key Terms and Ideas Key Terms and Ideas Defense Mechanisms- Repression Defense Mechanisms- Repression Psychosexual Stages Psychosexual Stages Personality Theory- Type A & Type B Personality Theory- Type A & Type B Id, Ego, Superego Id, Ego, Superego Childhood experiences Childhood experiences Unconscious Unconscious
Psychoanalytic Methods Methods Free association Free association Dream analysis Dream analysis Hypnosis Hypnosis
Psychoanalytic Causes of disorders Causes of disorders Repressed memories from childhood experiences Repressed memories from childhood experiences Unconscious conflicts Unconscious conflicts
Biological Perspective People People Biopsychologist Biopsychologist Psychiatrists Psychiatrists
Biological Perspective Key Terms/Ideas Key Terms/Ideas Somatic (body)/ Biological processes Somatic (body)/ Biological processes Organic Organic Genes, hormones,brain structure, neurotransmitters (see chart in book) Genes, hormones,brain structure, neurotransmitters (see chart in book) Psychopharmacology Psychopharmacology SSRI, Antipsychotics, Lithium, Antianxiety SSRI, Antipsychotics, Lithium, Antianxiety
Biological Perspective Methods Methods Drug therapy Drug therapy ECT ECT Surgery Surgery Brain Scan (MRI, PET, EEG) Brain Scan (MRI, PET, EEG)
Biological Perspective Causes of Disorders Causes of Disorders Genetic predisposition Genetic predisposition Organic Organic Chemical imbalance Chemical imbalance
Evolutionary Perspective Key People Key People DARWIN DARWIN
Evolutionary Perspective Key Terms/Ideas Key Terms/Ideas Sociobiologists Sociobiologists Natural selection Natural selection Adaptive behavior Adaptive behavior instincts instincts
Evolutionary Perspective Methods Methods Gene studies (case study) Gene studies (case study) Same as biological Same as biological
Evolutionary Causes and Treatment for disorders Causes and Treatment for disorders Same as biological Same as biological
Behavioral Perspective People People Watson, Skinner, Pavlov, Bandura Watson, Skinner, Pavlov, Bandura
Behavioral/Learning perspective Key Terms/Ideas Key Terms/Ideas Also known as the learning perspective Also known as the learning perspective Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR, Acquisition, discrimination, generalization UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR, Acquisition, discrimination, generalization Stimulus response association. Stimulus response association. Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning Association of consequences Association of consequences Pos/Neg reinforces, punishment, learned helplessness, Pos/Neg reinforces, punishment, learned helplessness, Reinforcement schedules: VR, FR, VI, FI. Reinforcement schedules: VR, FR, VI, FI.
Behavioral/Learning perspective Methods Methods Observable behavior Observable behavior Limitations Limitations Some believed that learning occurs without thought Some believed that learning occurs without thought behavior does not go against species behavior does not go against species
Behavioral/Learning perspective Disorder Cause/Treatment Disorder Cause/Treatment Fear conditioning Fear conditioning Natural selection (snakes, spiders, etc.) Natural selection (snakes, spiders, etc.) Systematic desensitization Systematic desensitization Counterconditioning Counterconditioning Token economy Token economy
Cognitive People People Atkinson-Shiffron (3 stage memory model) Atkinson-Shiffron (3 stage memory model)
Cognitive perspective Key Terms/ Ideas Key Terms/ Ideas Think, perceive, memory, Language, Intelligence Think, perceive, memory, Language, Intelligence Information processing model Information processing model Short term memory: Mnemonics Short term memory: Mnemonics Long term memory: episodic, Semantic, Procedural memories Long term memory: episodic, Semantic, Procedural memories Retroactive/proactive interference Retroactive/proactive interference Language: stages pg 406. Language: stages pg 406. Linguistic determinism Linguistic determinism
Cognitive Methods Methods Stanford-Binet’s IQ test Stanford-Binet’s IQ test WAIS- most widely used intelligence test WAIS- most widely used intelligence test
Cognitive Cause of disorders Cause of disorders Misperception of the world Misperception of the world Encoding failure Encoding failure Treatment Treatment Change the way one thinks about the world Change the way one thinks about the world CBT CBT
Socio-Cultural Perspective People People Milgram Milgram Asch Asch
Socio-Cultural Key terms and Ideas Key terms and Ideas Focus on the difference between behavior across cultures. Focus on the difference between behavior across cultures. Loafing, bystander, stereotype, prejudice, attractiveness, aggression, conformity, fundamental attribution error, cognitive dissonance Loafing, bystander, stereotype, prejudice, attractiveness, aggression, conformity, fundamental attribution error, cognitive dissonance
Socio-cultural Methods Methods Case study Case study
Socio-cultural Disorders/Treatment Disorders/Treatment eclectic eclectic