Job Description and Job Evaluation
Job Description Job description is an important document which is basically descriptive in nature a contains a statement of job analysis. It serves to identify a job for consideration by other job analysis. It tells us what should be done and why it should be done and where it should be performed. The purpose is to tell the employee what should be done and why it should be done etc. to provide information to employee about his salary, terms and conditions of work, nature of work, working conditions etc.
Hints for Writing job description Earnest Dale developed hints for writing job description The job description should indicate the scope and nature of work including all important relationships The job description should be clear regarding the work of the position, duties etc. More specific words should be selected to show(a)the kind of work,(b)degree of complexity (C) the extent of the worker’s responsibility for each phase of the work The degree and type of accountability Action words such as analyze, gather, plan and confirm, deliver, maintain, supervise and recommend should be used.
Contents of job description Job title Organizational location of the job Supervision given and received Materials,tools,machine and equipment worked with. Designation of the immediate supervisors and subordinates Salary level, pay DA other allowances, bonus, incentives wage, method of payments,hours of work, shifts, break Complete list of duties to be performed separated according to daily, weekly, monthly and casual, estimated time to be spent on each duty Definition of unusual terms. Conditions of work, location, time speed of work
Job Specification It is a written statement of qualifications, traits, physical and mental characteristics that an individual must possess to perform the job duties and discharge responsibilities effectively Physical specification- Physical specifications include the physical qualification or capabilities include physical features like height, weight, chest, vision, hearing ability, ability to lift weight,health age, capacity to use or operate machines, tools, equipments etc. Mental specifications-mental specifications include ability to perform arithmetic calculations to interpret data, information blue prints, to read electrical circuits, ability to plan, reading abilities, scientific abilities, judgments, ability to concentrate, ability to handle variable factors, general intelligence, memory etc.
Emotional and Social Specification: Emotional and social specifications are more important for the post of managers, supervisor, foreman etc. These include emotional stability, flexibility, social adaptability in human relationships,personnel appearance including dress, posture, poise,features and voice required by the job Behavior Specifications: It play an important role in selecting the candidates for higher level jobs in the organizational hierarchy. This specifications seeks to describe the acts of managers rather than the traits that cause the acts. These include judgments,research,creativity, teaching ability, maturity (capable of accepting responsibility),self reliance etc. Job Specification
Job Evaluation Job evaluation is the outcome of job analysis evaluation deals with money and work. It determines the Meaning-Job e relative worth or money value of jobs. The International Labour Organization defined job evaluation as “ an attempt to determine and compare demands which the normal performance of a particular job makes or normal workers, without taking into account the individual abilities or performance of the work concerned”
Job Evaluation Wendell.L. french defined job evaluation as “ a process of determining the relative worth of the various jobs within the organization so that differential wage may be paid to jobs of different worth” British Institute of Management”(1970)-” The process of analyzing and assessing the contents of jobs, in order to place them in acceptable rank order, which can then be used as a basis for remuneration system. Job evaluation,therefore, is simply a technique, designed to assist in development of new pay structure, by defining relativities between jobs on a consistent and systematic basis”
Objective of job evaluation To generate data and information relating to job description, job specification and employee specifications of various jobs to an organization. To compare the duties,responsibilities and demands of a job with that of other job. To determine the hierarchy and place of various jobs is an organization To determine the ranks of grades of various jobs. To ensure fair and equitable wages on the basis of relative worth or value of jobs. In other words equal wages are fixed to the job of equal worth or value. To minimize wage discrimination based on sex,age,caste region etc.
Procedure of Job evaluation Job evaluation is an aid to measure the contribution of human resources to the job and to the organization Proper ground should be prepared to measure the contributions of human resources and to appraise relative worth of jobs. It is very difficult for a single man to study review and evaluate all jobs. Hence appointment of job evaluation committee consisting of technical and non technical people is more appropriate.
Procedure of Job evaluation The next step is preparation of ground work is analyzing the jobs which are to be evaluated. Job knowledge can be obtained from the job description and job specification records. Job knowledge can be gathered and collected through interviews, observations activity sampling, questionnaires,critical incidents dairies etc The next step is identification of compensable factors like knowledge in respect of education, experience,skill etc.
Uses of job Evaluation It is a logical and to certain extent a ranking and grading the job objective method It helps to fit the newly existing structure. Employee grievances,doubts and created jobs in the complaints would be less as it is a systematic and objective method of wage fixation It eliminates some undesirable factors like inequalities in bargaining capacities of employees and employers, fluctuations in market rate etc.
Uses of job Evaluation It satisfies the principle of fare wage, wage equity, uniformity and wages etc. It helps to redesign the job for minimizing wide wage differentials It ensures employer satisfaction about wage level and wage equity. It also helps to redesign the job by reallocating the easy and difficult tasks equally among various jobs.
Limitations of job evaluation It is not scientific ‘Modus operandi’ of most of the techniques is difficult to understand even to the supervisors The factors taken by the programme are not exhaustive. There may be wide flauatations in compensable factors in view of changes in technology, values and aspirations of employee etc. Employees, trade union leaders,management and the programme operators may perceive differently in selecting the compensable factors, in giving weight ages or degrees etc. The result of job evaluation may not exactly coincide with social evaluation, which in turn, result in employee dissatisfaction.
Limitations of job evaluation Job evaluation is only one among several factors in determine wage level. Sometimes other factors like government policay may dominate the job evaluation. It also helps to redesign the jobs by reallocating the easy and difficult tasks equally among various jobs Job evaluation programme once structured may not be useful for the next time.
Job Evaluation Methods Conventional Non quantitative methods ▫Ranking methods ▫Simple ranking- comparing one job with other job based on duties, responsibilities and demands made by the job and the degree of importance of jobs to the organization ▫Ranking the key jobs-Identify the key jobs Rank the key jobs Identify and rank all other jobs ▫Paired comparison-The evaluator rank each job in turn against all the other jobs. ▫Single Factor Ranking Method:
Advantages This method is simplest, quickest and least costly from the view point of time and money Most appropriate with small organization It is also appropriate for ranking the top managerial personnel in large organization It is useful as a first and basic step of job evaluation Disadvantage This method provide no yardstick for measuring thye relative worth of one job against other Job requirement, job specifications, employee specifications are not considered in evaluation It does not indicate the extent or degree to which one job is worthy than other It is not comprehensive and systematic technique.
2.Job Classification and grading methods A grade is a group of different skill to perform A class is a subdivision of a given occupation The jobs within the class have fairly similar tasks to be performed whilst the job within a grade may be different as far as tasks are concerned. Mechanism of this method Determine the shape and size of organizational structure Preparation of job descriptions Preparation of grade description based on various components Establishment of a number of job grades like grade 1,Grade 2 Discussion and organization with trade union represtatives regarding the number of grades, grade description, getting their consent finalizing the number of grades and grade description and recording them Selection of key jobs and grading them Grading the entire jobs Classifying the jobs of each grade Analyzing the money value of the key grades first and then to all other grades
Conventional Quantities Techniques Method 1.Point rating method Each component of the job is assigned a numerical value-toatal point value of each job can be compared 2.The point factor or factor comparison method. This is based on point rating and principle of ranking - Developing a job description - Selecting the number of key jobs - Ranking the key jobs -valuing the sub factor of each of the key jobs(Is also known as factor evaluation - Integrating the monetary value of sub factors arrived - Comparing all the jobs factor by factor 3. Market pricing method –Factors are converted on the basis of factors like demand and supply. 4.Job pricing method
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