Chapter Three Individual Differences.
Individual Differences: The Contribution of Psychology. l Understanding variations in personality and intelligence. l Predicting behaviour in the workplace. l Aligning personality, intellectual ability and work.
Personality and Performance Individual Personalities Display Traits Uniqueness Consistency Idiographic Description Nomethetic Description
Personality Factors: the Nomothetic Perspective Factor Analysis Collection of Data Identify Correlation Coefficients Construct a Correlation Matrix
Personalities: The ‘Five Factor’ Taxonomy. l Extroversion-Introversion l Neuroticism-Stability l Conscientious-Expedient l Open to Experience-Closed to Experience l Agreeable-Hostile
Freud and the Dynamics of Personality Super- Ego ID EGO Gratification Moral Values Reality (Defence Mechanisms & Fixations)
Freud: Personality, Validity and Learning. l Freud:helps us to explain irrational behaviour - defending egos, dealing with authority. l Critique:Is Freud’s theory testable? Does it re-enforce gender inequality? l What about the impact of social learning on personality development?
Conceptions of Intelligence. l Why is intelligence testing controversial? l How do explicit theories isolate and measure aspects of intelligence? l The ‘G’ Factor: analysing the structure of intellect is a technical question?
Intelligence and the Workplace l Will a highly intelligent individual be a highly effective manager? l Does intelligence require experience in order to be applied appropriately? l Can routine work inhibit intelligence? l What impact do organisational variables have on personality and intelligence?