Sigmund Freud Sam Yenney, Kayla Robertson
Biography Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist best known for developing the theories and techniques of psychoanalysis. He treated various psychological disorders. He was well known for making connections between psychological problems and sexual issues.
School Of Thought Psychoanalytic The method of psychological therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts, in order to free psychic energy for mature love and work.
Basic Theories: All psychic energy is generated by the libido. Mental states were influenced by two competing forces: cathexis and anticathexis. Cathexis: 1. the investment of emotional significance in an activity, object, or idea. 2. the charge of psychic energy so invested. Anticathexis: energy derived from the Superego to run the Ego, according to Freud. The function of the anticathexis is to restrict and block cathexis from the Id for overall benefit. Stages of psychosexual development Defense mechanisms ID, ego, and superego
Examples of Experiments