ME6501 MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS Module I (10 hours) Concepts of crystals, Plastic deformation by slip and twinning, Slip systems in FCC, BCC and HCP lattices, Critical resolved shear stress for slip, Theoretical shear strength of solids, Stacking faults and deformation bands. Observation of dislocations, Climb and cross slip, Dislocations in FCC and HCP lattice, Partial dislocations, Stress fields and energies of dislocations, Forces between dislocations, Interaction of dislocations, Dislocation sources and their multiplications.
Module II (10 hours) Strengthening from grain boundaries, Grain size measurements, Yield point phenomenon, Strain aging, Solid solution strengthening, Strengthening from fine particles, Fiber strengthening, Cold working and strain hardening, Annealing of cold worked metal. Fracture in metals, Griffith theory of brittle fracture, Metallographic aspects of fracture, Fractography, Dislocation theories of brittle fracture, Ductile fracture, Notch effects, Strain energy release rate in fracture, Fracture toughness and design.
Module III (10 hours) Fatigue of metals, The S-N curve, Low cycle fatigue, Fatigue crack propagation, Effect of stress concentration on fatigue, Size effect, Surface effects and fatigue, Fatigue under combined stresses, Effects of metallurgical variables and fatigue, Corrosion fatigue, Design for fatigue, Effect of temperature on fatigue. Creep and stress rupture, Creep curve, Stress rupture test, Mechanism of creep deformation, Activation energy for steady state creep, Superplasticity, Fracture at elevated temperature, Creep resistant alloys, Creep under combined stresses.
Module IV (10 hours) Tension test, Stress-strain curves, Instability in tension, Ductility measurement, Effect of strain rate, temperature and testing machine on flow properties, Stress relaxation testing, Notch tensile test, Anisotropy of tensile properties. Hardness test, Brinnel, Rockwell and Vickers hardness, flow of metal under the indenter, relationship between hardness and flow curve, micro hardness testing, Hardness at elevated temperatures.
Text Book: Dieter M. George, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw- Hill Inc., References: 1. Deformation and fracture mechanics, Richard W Hertzberg John Wiley & Sons 2. Mechanical behaviour of Materials, Frank A McCLINOCK and ALI S ARGON 3. Physical Metallurgy Principles, Reed Hill and Robert E, East West Press 4. Structure and properties of Materials, Hyden W. M. Vol. 3, McGraw Hill 5. Plastic deformation of Metals, Honeycombe, Arnold Press.
An understanding of mechanical behavior is important to both the development of new materials and the selection of appropriate materials for many applications. This is best investigated and understood by integrating solid mechanics with the microstructural basis of deformation and fracture. The course is intended as a formal basis for students to pursue an integrated approach to the mechanical behavior of material.
Text: Mechanical Behaviour of materials- Thomas Courtney (2 nd Ed.McGraw Hill) References: 1. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials- Mark Andrew Meyers & K.K. Chawla (Prentice Hall) 2. Mechanical Metallurgy- George Dieter (McGraw Hill) 3. Materials Science and Engineering-William Callister,Jr. (Wiley) 4. Engineering Materials,1, Michael Ashby and David Jones (Pergamon) 5. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Richard W. Hertzberg, (Wiley &Sons, NY)
Key Phrases - Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs): transient creep model, maximum shear criterion, shear stress yield criterion, engineering fracture strength, making life estimates, nominal stress amplitude, multistage spring, nonzero mean stress, environmental crack growth, notched member, creep elements, standard compact specimen, maximum normal stress criterion, short fatigue lives, principal normal stresses, frictional sliders, uniaxial curve, deformation plasticity theory, current crack length, true fracture strength, plasticity limitations, elastic stress concentration factor, shear stress criterion, elliptical hysteresis, principal normal strains transient creep modelmaximum shear criterion shear stress yield criterion engineering fracture strength making life estimatesnominal stress amplitude multistage springnonzero mean stress environmental crack growthnotched member creep elementsstandard compact specimen maximum normal stress criterion short fatigue livesprincipal normal stresses frictional slidersuniaxial curve deformation plasticity theorycurrent crack length true fracture strengthplasticity limitations elastic stress concentration factor shear stress criterionelliptical hysteresis principal normal strains Inside This Book: First Sentence Designers of machines, vehicles, and structures must achieve acceptable levels of performance and economy, while at the same time striving to guarantee that the item is both safe and durable
Provides comprehensive treatment of the mechanical behavior of materials within a balanced mechanics-materials approach. Covering a range of materials, including metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites, this book presents the properties of materials while addressing the principal ideas behind theories of mechanical behavior. It includes broad treatment of flow and fracture criteria. It presents various mechanisms for tailoring the strength and toughness of materials. It also provides references and a list of suggested readings in each chapter. A valuable reference book on the mechanical behavior of materials for all practicing Mechanical and Materials Engineers.
This text differs from others because the treatment of plasticity has greater emphasis on the interrelationship of the flow, effective strain and effective stress and their use in conjunction with yield criteria to solve problems. The treatment of defects is new. Schmid’s law is generalized for complex stress states. Its use with strains allows for prediction of R-values for textures. Another feature is the treatment of lattice rotations and how they lead to deformation textures. The chapter on fracture mechanics includes coverage of Gurney's approach. Much of the analysis of particulate composites is new. Few texts include anything on metal forming. Includes numerous examples and end-of- chapter problems Emphasizes quantitative problem solving Briefer, less expensive, and more modern than competition This textbook is for courses on Mechanical Behavior of Materials taught in departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. The text includes numerous examples and problems for student practice. The book emphasizes quantitative problem solving. End of the chapter notes are included to increase students' interest.
MATERIALS IN TODAY’S WORLD Introduces the field of materials science in a format suitable for non-engineering students. Materials and their properties are examined in the context of their use in everyday objects including sports equipment, automobiles, aircraft, display screens, compact disc players, hip-replacements, etc. The role materials have played and will continue to play in shaping society will be discussed. Examples and demonstrations will be the major component in this course. Course is intended as an elective for non-engineering students. Course may not be taken as a technical elective by students in the College of Engineering. 3 hours.
BEHAVIOUR How to study? Eg: Human Behaviour- The potential and expressed capacity for physical, mental, and social activity during the phases of human life. Human beings, like other animal species, have a typical life course that consists of successive phases of growth, each of which is characterized by a distinct set of physical, physiological, and behavioral features.species
Class: 2 Introducing students to the Foundry Section of Central Workshop Primary ideas on moulding- familiarise with the sequence, importance of ramming, gating design, sand properties, pattern materials and pouring
Class:3 For self study: Crystals; FCC,BCC,HCP About Miller Indices- one family Directions as [ ] and Planes as ( ) and { } Atomic Packing Factor Defects- Point, Line, Surface, Volume Deformations/ Dislocations: Edge, Screw Slip Phenomenon
About Tension Test: Its Importance- Engineering Stress and True stress Elastic Region, Proportionality Limit, Yielding, Strain hardening, Necking Loading and unloading in elastic limit Yield Stress, Ultimate Stress, Fracture Stress Examples- transmission tower/ casting
STRENGTH Glass Fibers Graphite Fibers Kevlar Fibers Carbides Molybdenum Steels Tantalum Titanium Copper Reinforced Plastics Termoplastics Lead
HARDNESS Diamond Cubic Boron Nitride Carbides Hardened Steels Titanium Cast Irons Copper Thermosets Magnesium Thermosets Thermoplastics Lead Rubbers
TOUGHNESS Ductile materials Reinforced Plastics Thermoplastics Wood Thermosets Ceramics Glass Ceramics Reinforced Plastics Thermoplastics Tin Thermoplastics
STIFFNESS Diamond Carbides Tungsten Steel Copper Titanium Aluminium Tantalum Plastics Wood Thermosets
STRENGTH/DENSITY Reinforced Plastics Titanium Steel Aluminium Magnesium Beryllium Copper
Fig.10 Fig9
Fig.19 Fig.20