إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قالوا سبحانك لاعلم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم صدق الله العظيم
Epidemiology of Periodontal Disease N.A.GH
periodontal disease include all pathological conditions of the periodontium (gingiva, alveolar bone, cementum and periodontal ligament) Traditionally, periodontal disease classified into: *gingival diseases *Periodontal diseases
inflammation of the gingival tissues - Early- reversible can be treated with good oral prophylactic treatment & instructions in good tooth brushing & flossing technique. - Moderate – not reversible. - Advanced – not reversible
Periodontal Variables The degree of inflammation of the gingival tissues. The degree of periodontal destruction. The amount of plaque accumulated. The amount of calculus present.
Incidence Number of new cases of a disease during a given interval of time. In periodontitis, incidence means new sites of disease, even if these occur in people who already have other diseased sites Prevalence Is the overall proportion of the population who suffer from the disease at a specific point in time. Prevalence = # of cases at a particular time total population at that time
Amount of attachment loss at diseased sites expressed Severity Amount of attachment loss at diseased sites expressed as a mean value. Extent Proportion of tooth sites examined showing signs of disease.
2 1 3 The prevalence & severity of the disease affecting by: Agent factors 1 Host factors 3 Environm. factors
Host factors Age Sex Race Systemic diseases Intra-Oral variable
Agent factors Dental plaque Calculus Cocci Rods Actinomyces-viscosus Subging. Supraging. Actino bacillus Actinomyc.comitanss
Environmental factors Nutrition Geographic Education Socioeconomic
Risk Factors RF is an environmental exposure, aspect of behavior or an inherent characteristic which is associated with a disease. Are associated with the onset or progression of a disease, not necessarily the causal factor. Risk factors for periodontitis e.g. plaque, microbiota, oral hygiene and tobacco.
Determinants of Disease Are Risk factors that cannot be modified: Age Gender SES Genetics
2 1 3 based on past experience based on the dietary factors salivary factors and microbial colonization
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