UMass Amherst Online MPH degree programs New Student Orientation Module 2: Meet your Advisors & University contacts
Program Director SPHHS Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Director of Online MPH Programs Senior Lecturer Education: BS University of New York College at Buffalo MPH Hunter College Ed.D UMass Amherst Contact: Dr. Daniel Gerber
Why contact Dr. Gerber Under normal circumstances students will not contact Dr. Gerber; however you may feel free to contact him in the following circumstances: You reached out to Lori and did not get a response (always try this first!) You have a major issue with a course or a faculty member You are interested in working with him on an independent study project You are interested in career advice You spoke with Lori and would like additional information/advice or were not satisfied with her response
Primary Advisor 2011 Graduate of UMass Amherst- MS in Epidemiology Has served as Academic Director for the SPHHS online Programs since July of 2011 Contact: Daily EST 7:30am-3:30pm Lori Peterson, MS
Why contact Lori The following are reasons you may want to speak with Lori: Course planning Registration issues You need to take time off You are struggling in course/s and need a tutor or advice You want to visit campus You need information on graduation requirements You wish to add the Global Health Certificate to your course of study Personal/Financial issues Minor issues with a faculty member or course Career counseling
UMass Important Contacts Financial Aid (I recommend calling first thing in the morning M,T, Th,&F- 8:30am. Wednesday they open at 10am) Bursars-to pay your bill, arrange payment plans Lyn Rice ( Veterans Benefits Certification- Judy Gagnon Veterans Resource Center Ombuds Office (faculty concerns & academic honesty office) Obtain a student distance ID card