Monday, November 5 th Entry Task Take the next couple of minutes to review for your 4.1 quiz Schedule: 4.1 Quiz Investigate Chemical Weathering Pre-Lab Homework: None Objective: I can explain the processes of weathering I can create a hypothesis for a lab Please have on desk: 4.1 Questions
To determine what conditions are necessary for rust to form on steel wool.
Write a hypothesis using the IF, THEN, BECAUSE format.
Manipulated: The amount of water. Responding: The amount of rust. Controlled: 1.The amount of steel wool 2.The amount of time
steel wool 3 cups water scissors
1.Gather your materials. 2.Using the scissors, cut the steel wool into 3 equal size pieces. 3.Place one piece of steel wool into a cup filled to the top with water. 4.Place a second piece of steel wool in a cup with a small amount of water. * The water should touch but not cover the steel wool. *
5.Place a third piece of steel wool in a cup with no water. 6.Allow the 3 cups to sit for 72 hours. 7.Observe the appearance of the steel wool in each container and record your results in table 1. 8.Clean up.
Tuesday, November 6 th Entry Task PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE LAB ON THE COUNTERS Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. 1. Identify and Define the type of weathering we are investigating in this experiment. 2. Re-write your hypothesis. Circle the 3 words that every hypothesis has. 3. List one of the criteria you need to include in a conclusion for a science lab report. Schedule: Investigate Chemical Weathering Lab Homework Read/RSG 4.2 Objective: I can set up a lab to test chemical weathering
Cup Number Labeled drawing of steel wool before Labeled drawing of the steel wool after Rust Rank (amount of rust) 1 = least 3= most 1 Full of water 2 Small amount of water 3 No water
Make a bar graph of the rust rank of the 3 cups. (remember to include a title and labels for each axis.) Make a bar graph of the rust rank of the 3 cups. (remember to include a title and labels for each axis.)
Wednesday, November 7 th Entry Task Get your lab material from the counters and carefully bring to your desk. Please start collecting data and filling in your data table. Whatever you don’t get done today, (graph, conclusion, etc.) will need to be done before Friday for your formal lab report. Schedule: Chemical Weathering Lab Data Collect, Analysis and Conclusion Homework: Final lab report due Friday Objective: I can collect and analyze data Please have on your desk 4.2 RSG
Follow the “how to write a lab report worksheet” Follow the “how to write a lab report worksheet” Every bullet under conclusion should be a sentence.Every bullet under conclusion should be a sentence. Put all sentences together in order to create your conclusion paragraph.Put all sentences together in order to create your conclusion paragraph.
Thursday, November 8 th Entry Task Think back to 4.2…… Draw a diagram of a soil profile. Include and label the following: A horizon, B horizon, C horizon, Include arrows showing nutrients cycling between organisms and soil Schedule: Soil Horizons Poster Objective: I can identify how weathering and organic processes create the layers of the soil profile Homework: Chemical Weathering Formal Lab Due Tomorrow
Soil Horizon A Soil Horizon B Soil Horizon C Plants and animals break down nutrients that get absorbed down into the layers Plant roots gather nutrients and bring back up to surface in them
Name_____________________________________ Date_______ Soil Horizons Poster Learning objective: to identify how weathering and organic processes create the layers of the soil profile. Activity: to create a poster that: depicts the three layers of a soil profile gives numerous facts about each layer of soil including –it’s location in relation to the other layers –what living organisms live in that layer ( incl. pictures) –what affect the organisms might have on each layer –what the soil contains ( incl. pictures) –how climate and region might affect each layer Grading: Horizon APicture (3 pts)__________ Description (3 pts)__________ Horizon BPicture (3 pts)__________ Description (3 pts)__________ Horizon CPicture (3 pts)__________ Description (3 pts)__________ Attach this half sheet to your poster when you turn it in.
Horizons Do this in your notebook before your begin your poster You can find information from your textbook in section 4.2 and in the ScienceSaurus books page 191 –For each horizon write down information about: –it’s location in relation to the other layers –what living organisms live in that layer –what affect the organisms might have on each layer –what the soil contains –how climate and region might affect each layer
On a scratch piece of paper….. Copy down the chart Fill it in with information about weathering helps create soil 2.How organic processes help create soil Must have at least two examples for each WeatheringOrganic processes What creates the soil profile
Friday, November 9 th Entry Task Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. 1.What are the main ingredients of soil? 2.How do climate and landforms affect soils characteristics? 3.How do the activities of organisms affect the characteristics of soil? 4.Describe 4 properties of soil? Schedule: Soil Poster Homework: Finish Soil Poster – due Monday Objective: I can identify how weathering and organic processes create the layers of the soil profile Please have on desk: Chemical Weathering Formal Lab Report