Words to know to stay safe!
The police officer was quick to the scene of the ______________.
The police officer was quick to the scene of the a. cciden
The police officer was quick to the scene of the accident. accident: something that you did not want or expect to happen Think a time when you had an accident! What happened?
Did you think of some of these examples?
What verbs (action words) can describe these types of accidents? Fill in the missing letters to complete the words. Write them down on your whiteboards. sl_p, sp_ll, cr_sh, b_ng, br_ _k
Now use one of these words in a sentence, write it down, and turn and talk about your new sentence with a neighbor! You were right! slipspillcrash bangbreak
Once the car accident happened, people crowded around and a big ________________ was watching!
Once the car accident happened, people crowded around and a big a_________was watching! udience
Once the car accident happened, people crowded around and a big audience was watching!
We are students in the classroom, but we can also be called the teacher’s audience. In what other places have you been a part of an audience? audience: a group that listens or watches
Did you guess any of these places?
Wow, there are many places that you can be part of an audience! GOOD JOB!
I am training my puppy to obey and follow these c___________. ommands
I am training my puppy to obey and follow these commands.
When pets obey their owners commands, they are often rewarded with a treat. commands: orders given to someone obeys: follows a rule, law, or command
It was rude when the boy s______ at his friends. tared
stared: looked long and hard at something Use the word stare in a sentence of your own.
How does the meaning of the word change, without the ending –ed? today yesterday stare… stared…
The little girl uses a lot of expression when she tells a story. You can tell her feelings by looking at her facial expressions as well!
Can you think of a word that could replace the word expression in this sentence? Remember it still must make sense. The children laughed and smiled while talking with great expression! expression: a way of speaking that shows feeling
Enthusiasm Gusto Passion Zest Delight Pleasure Enjoyment Glee Happiness Amusement Gladness Pleasure Joy Satisfaction
… Just to name a few! Are all of these words synonyms for the word expression ? Write yes/no on your whiteboard and explain why!
If you said NO…you are correct! Wowee!!! You are smart, bright, or intelligent. The above words are all synonyms for the word smart. Right?
The ballpark was not very crowded. The Orioles did not have a good ___________for their home opener!
Can you guess which new word we have learned that would complete that sentence? The ballpark was not very crowded. The Orioles did not have a good ___________for their home opener! accidentcommandsexpression obeysaudiencestared
Audience Way to go! You hit a homerun The ballpark was not very crowded. The Orioles did not have a good audience for their home opener!
Although they were not too many people in the stands, they still ___________very loud when he hit a grand slam.
Although they were not many people in the stands, they still a________ very loud when he hit a grand slam. pplauded
Although they were not too many people in the stands, they still applauded very loud when he hit a grand slam. applauded: showed approval by clapping the hands
What is the base word in the word applauded? Write down your answer on your whiteboard. Next, use this new word in a sentence of your own. Be ready to share!
If you wrote down applaud, you should give yourself a round of applause! Now share some of your sentences with us. Fantastic work Fantastic work
When the children went to see the game they had made a large ______________ for their favorite player to see.
When the children went to see the game they had made a large b______ for their favorite player to see. anner banner: a strip of cloth or paper with writing or a picture on it Which word can you think of that is most like a banner? Write it down.
sign poster flag streamer All of these can be similar to a banner! Fantastic work, if you got one or two correct.