OI/ 361 Innovation, Design, and Creativity for a Competitive Advantage Week Three: Creativity for innovative decision making
Creativity for innovative decision making Types of mental models/mindsets (***Please note that there is not a single model or prescribed set of models) Techno-centric Customer-centric Business-centric Personal-centric Innovative-centric Other
Creativity for innovative decision making Forces that influence the basic development of mental models/mindsets Environmental Hereditary Education Genetic Past experiences
Creativity for innovative decision making Influencers that facilitate the evolution of existing mental model/mindset development Inspiration Intuition Creativity/intelligence Paradigm shift Boundary-less thinking Cognitive R&D
Creativity for innovative decision making Possible benefits of improving mental models/mindsets Think different (Apple, Inc.) See things differently Consider issues across disciplines
Creativity for innovative decision making Possible limits of mental models/mindsets “What you see is what you think Perception versus reality Limits opportunities and adaptability Limits alternative viewpoints Limits creative process
Creativity for innovative decision making Four steps to change your mental model/mindset Understand your mental models/mindsets Test new approaches Overcome inhibitors to change Don’t like to give things up Expectations of others Infrastructure Start with small changes Make information visible (management dashboard) Build trust
Creativity for innovative decision making Four steps to change your mental model/mindset Make the change to your mental models/mindsets Examples: Business/individual/society Hiring exec./finding mate Evaluating politicians
Creativity for innovative decision making Four styles of creative intelligence with influencers of organizational decision-making Intuitive Goal oriented Common sense approach Problem-solver Innovative Takes original approaches Experimenter Systematic inquiry approach
Creativity for innovative decision making Four styles of creative intelligence with influencers of organizational decision-making Imaginative Risk taker Independent thinker Inspirational Societal awareness Selfless Courage of convictions
Creativity for innovative decision making Summary Discussion Questions