Don’t forget sentence imitation due by midnight. You each selected a vocabulary term. Your homework for next Monday is to create a vocabulary poster for it. Tuesday, March 8 Requirements: Word, definition, picture, example—LARGE SIZE
The Great Gatsby Distribute books and bookmarks Overview novel and schedule Start chapter 1 together with dialectic logs Collect satire proposals
Journal #12- label phrases and comma rules; write a mimesis sentence using the same types of commas “Turning me around by one arm, he moved a broad flat hand along the front vista, including in its sweep a sunken Italian garden, a half acre of deep, pungent roses, and s nub-nosed motor-boat that bumped the tide offshore.” (7)
Journal #12- label phrases and comma rules; write a mimesis sentence using the same types of commas “Turning me around by one arm, he moved a broad flat hand along the front vista, including in its sweep a sunken Italian garden, a half acre of deep, pungent roses, and snub-nosed motor-boats that bumped the tide offshore.” (7)
Group Assignment for Gatsby Review Student-led discussion weekly assignment In your groups, review Foster’s 18 things to look for on the first page Make a T-Chart identifying each element—1 per group due at end of class HW: Satire Draft/ Bring Conscious Reader tomorrow
Thursday, 3/10 5 min. to finish group T-chart from yesterday and turn in “I Have a Dream”—What is the American Dream according to Martin Luther King, Jr. in this speech? Group T-charts (1 per member) of devices used to demonstrate dream (may finish for homework)
Friday, 3/11 ICE Read and annotate “Economic Mobility and the American Dream” packet for Tuesday
Monday, 3/14 Turn in vocab posters on back desk Group#1-Prepare class discussion Groups 2-3: Read and work on dialectic logs (chapters 1-3 of Gatsby and the packet “Economic Mobility and the American Dream”)
Tuesday, 3/15 Collect Satires Vocab posters (8) Group-led graded discussions “Economic Mobility” and chapters 1-3 HW: Review Notes; add left sides to journal to prepare for quiz chapters 1-3 (25 questions)
Wednesday, 3/16 Class discussion (cont.) 8:50 –quiz chapters 1-3 (check d-log) HW: read chapters 4-6 for Tuesday; keep dialectic log
Thursday, 3/17 Vocab Posters (7) “I Have a Dream” revisited—discuss American Dream to minorities/ racism in Gatsby
Friday, March 18 Open your notebooks to journal #13 please and place them in the in box BEFORE you begin writing ICE: goal is a 6 better or you will need to revise it by March 25 (next Friday). HW: read and annotate Time Magazine’s “Restoring the American Dream”
Monday, March 21 Finish Vocab Posters Debrief discussions and quizzes Work time for discussions tomorrow
Tuesday, March 22 Group 2 leads discussions Sentence Imitation due by midnight
Wednesday, March 23 Finish discussion with group 2 chapters 4-6 At 8:50 quiz on chapters 4-6 and vocab HW: read handout chapter 8 “Arguments of Definition” p Answer question 2 on page 240 in your journal
Thursday, March 24 Arguments of Definition Samples HW: read Argument Handout pages and answer question 1 on page 240 in your journal Current event essay due tomorrow
Friday, 3/25 Collect/ review current events Synthesis Essay overview HW: finish Great Gatsby and read nonfiction essay packet for Tuesday (Group 3 leads)