European vision 2010 - 2013 Maruja Gutierrez European Commission, DG EAC.


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Presentation transcript:

European vision Maruja Gutierrez European Commission, DG EAC

2 European vision : a new political framework a time to re-think and be ambitious a time to design and be creative 2013: a new set of EU instruments

3 A new context: EU 2020 The new European agenda Creating value by basing growth on knowledge Empowering people in inclusive societies Creating a competitive, connected and greener economy “Knowledge is the engine for sustainable growth. In a fast-changing world, what makes the difference is education and research, innovation and creativity”

4 A new EU framework EU New EU policy framework, replacing the Lisbon Agenda EU Digital Agenda EU Innovation Plan Financial perspectives for core funding instruments Research & Development Programme FP7 Structural Funds Competitiveness & Innovation Programme

5 A new education framework ET New Strategic Framework for policy cooperation in the field of education and training EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology European Agenda for Culture NSfNJ New Skills for new Jobs Youth on the Move

6 Ongoing EU co-operation in education & training Programmes Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Jean Monnet Political co-operation Lisbon strategy OMC Education & Training 2010 Leveraging relevant EU policies Employment, Regional Policy, Information Society, Research

7 Education & Training OMC: a long way since 2000 Common objectives Peer-learning EU reference tools supporting national reforms (e.g. EQF, Key Competences) Monitoring of progress (indicators and benchmarks, biennial joint reports)

8 ET 2020: Re-visiting the OMC Main consultation results Build on achievements of E & T 2010 = mainstream positive results from cooperation Strategic challenges/priority themes = more/better focus Improved working methods = more/better implementation Link to EU 2020

9 Quality & efficiency Innovation & creativity (incl. entrepreneurship) Equity, social cohesion & citizenship Lifelong learning + mobility Strategic challenges

10 Quality & Efficiency languages, teacher training governance/funding, skills Creativity & Innovation key competences innovative institutions partnership Equity, social cohesion & citizenship ESL, pre-primary migrants, SNE Lifelong Learning & Mobility LLL strategies EQF, mobility Priorities

11 Updated benchmarks for % of children between 4 and start of compulsory education participate in early childhood education Less than 15% low-achievers in reading, maths and science (PISA) less than 10% early education leavers 40% of years olds with tertiary attainment 15% of adults participate in lifelong learning

12 Further work on benchmarks Mobility (2010) Employability (2010) Languages (2012) Creativity and innovation?

13 What about ICT? Also a long way since Nobody would in 2010 contest that ICT are essential: for learning for working for social inclusion for creativity and innovation

14 A particular problem A particular problem Failing to capitalize on ICT application Productivity growth has in recent years been driven mainly by the ICT-using services sector and it is precisely here that the difference is most obvious. Productivity growth in the EU is relatively stable across time in contrast to a very large acceleration in the USA as it successfully applies ICT. Creating an innovative Europe – Aho Report, 2006

15 Some urgent issues ICT for learning Teacher training Assessment ICT for work eSkills Public-private partnerships ICT for social inclusion Digital literacy Informal learning ICT for innovation Innovative digital content and tools Creative partnerships Understanding internet as a learning layer of the atmosphere

16 Creativity and Innovation A first order challenge for Europe Education and training have a core role New priority in ET 2020 (“fourth pillar”) A successful European Year, showing a wide support from stakeholders Policy results such as the Manifesto of European Ambassadors

17 Manifesto European Ambassadors for Creativity and Innovation For a new understanding of public policy: Action 1: Invest in knowledge Action 2: Reinvent education Action 3: Reward initiative Action 4: Sustain culture Action 5: Promote innovation Action 6: Think globally Action 7: Green the economy

18 Manifesto European Ambassadors for Creativity and Innovation 1. Nurture creativity in a lifelong learning process where theory and practice go hand in hand. 2. Make schools and universities places where students and teachers engage in creative thinking and learning by doing. 3. Transform workplaces into learning sites. 4. Promote a strong, independent and diverse cultural sector that can sustain intercultural dialogue. 5. Promote scientific research to understand the world, improve people’s lives and stimulate innovation. 6. Promote design processes, thinking and tools, understanding the needs, emotions, aspirations and abilities of users. 7. Support business innovation that contributes to prosperity and sustainability.

19 A closing consideration High quality education and training are the only way ahead for Europe Policy cooperation to this end has proven to be useful and stimulating Opportunities like this one come rarely – it cannot be missed!

20 Thank you for your attention!