PREPARING AN ABSTRACT FOR NCDR.12 Adapted from a February 22, 2011 presentation by Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH Renee Laughlin, MPH, RN Meghan Redd American College of Cardiology Patricia E. Casey, MSN, RN
Disclosures On February 22, 2011 when they presented: Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH Nothing to disclose. Renee Laughlin, MPH, RN Nothing to disclose. Meghan Redd Nothing to disclose. Patricia E. Casey, MSN, RN Lippincott: author
Objectives: 1.Discuss how to choose a topic 2.Describe how to create an abstract 3.Define how to submit your abstract
Reasons for writing an abstract? Share your knowledge and work experience Tell your story so others may learn from you Improve cardiovascular care
Possible barriers to writing? Difficulty not knowing where to start Not knowing how to start Anxiety about writing skills Lack of confidence
What is an abstract? A concise statement of the major elements of your project A condensed version of the complete poster or project Usually contains a problem & its significance, and the objectives, innovations, results, conclusions, and caveats of your project
Four C’s of abstract writing Complete – covers the major parts of the project Concise – contains no excess wordiness or unnecessary information Clear – readable, well organized, and not too jargon-laden Cohesive – it flows smoothly between the parts How to Write an Abstract for the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Conference. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2011, from:
How do you choose an abstract topic? All topics must use NCDR Data (include only one topic per abstract)
Does your topic…? Present an educational innovation? Describe an innovative approach to data collection? Demonstrate a quality improvement initiative? Address a research question, activity, or study?
Your abstract should… Define a problem or scientific question Describe how your project addressed the problem What was the intent or goal of your project? Describe your project What did you do differently? Describe any tools, techniques, and strategies used
Your abstract should… Present the results that you obtained Present data that indicates your project made a difference. Present the conclusions Discuss the implications of your project, including reservations and future prospects
Prior to submission Check that you… Have others read your draft to check for technical errors, such as spelling and grammar mistakes Make revisions based on feedback Get help from a mentor Used short, clear sentences; one idea per sentence Properly cite all referenced publications, studies, etc. Label all figures appropriately so they are can stand-alone
Some common mistakes Some of the most common deficiencies are… Not enough detail; description too general Inclusion of unrelated graphics and cartoons Weak discussion Lack of originality Poor methodological approach Inadequate results
A few writing tips… Active voice is preferable to the passive voice e.g.: “We studied 15 patients with ARDs” is much better than “Fifteen patients with ARDs were studied.” Always first define any initials e.g. Registry Site Manager (RSM) Write only one thought per sentence Eliminate unnecessary words Ensure that verb tenses are consistent and correct
Easy ways to improve Writing is a skill that can be learned, just like giving medications Read manuscripts and abstracts published in major journals and focus on details Get help from mentors and colleagues Use writing skills resources Practice, practice, practice
Submit your abstract! Submit your poster to the NCDR.12 team for preview and feedback by January 30 th To submit: