Seminar 5 Eugene de Silva Ph.D. FRSA
Introduction Welcome Welcome SC300 AU Course – Unit 5 – week 5 SC300 AU Course – Unit 5 – week 5 Discussion points Discussion points Seminar Activity Seminar Activity Project Project
Unit 5 - Discussion What kinds of natural imbalances might affect your region? What makes your region particularly vulnerable to these imbalances? (Note: Please do not discuss earthquakes, as they were discussed in another unit.) Provide a specific example of a weather incident/natural disaster that occurred in your area in the past and discuss how the incident was handled by local residents and town/state officials. What can people in your area do to prepare for a similar incident? (Consider what can be done prior to, during, and after the disaster. Be sure to include specific details using information from the CDC and/or FEMA.) Compare your area to that of a classmate. What environmental features do you have in common to produce similar natural disasters OR what features vary, leading to completely different disasters? Would rescue efforts differ as well? What predictions are being made for how climate change will impact either the frequency or intensity of future natural disasters in your area? (Hint: Refer to the extreme weather and hurricane resources provided above to find information to support your ideas.)
Discussion Q and A Q and A
Seminar Discussion A friend of yours has complained of the following symptoms: A friend of yours has complained of the following symptoms: weight gain difficulty sleeping low sex drive lack of energy depression/mood changes Could these symptoms be due to menopause or andropause? What questions would you ask in order to confirm that menopause or andropause is the likely cause? Think of it as an investigation, where you are applying the scientific method. Hormone therapies are an option for treating these symptoms. Describe a person most appropriate for this type of treatment. What are some of the risks associated with this treatment? How do they compare with other forms of hormone therapy, like the use of human growth hormone? Visit the National Institute on Aging to learn more: Are there alternatives to hormone therapies? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives? How would the following conditions impact any advice you would give your friend: – –Your friend smokes cigarettes – –Your friend is male – –Your friend is between the ages of 25 and 35 – –Your friend had a hysterectomy
Equilibrium Homeostasis - maintains stability in response to fluctuations Hormone balance
Puberty A process of physical changes Child to adult Hormone signals from brain to gonads
Menstrual Cycle
Menopause Natural stop in menstrual period and fertility Age 40 – 55 A year without a period
Menopause symptoms Changes in periods (they may be shorter or longer, heavier or lighter, or have more or less time in between) Hot flushes Night sweats Trouble sleeping through the night Vaginal dryness Mood changes Hair loss or thinning on the head, more hair growth on the face Physical and mental exhaustion Sleep problems Heart discomfort Joint/muscular problems
Issues Majority of women – no issues Longer life time 20% - Intolerable 6-7% - Symptoms up to five years
Testing and Treatments Diagnostic testing – FSH or Estrogens tests MRS scale - Menopause Rating Scale Health Related Quality of Life ( HRQoL) Menopause Treatments – Life style changes, prescriptions, non-prescription treatments
Menopause treatments HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy Risks - Heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and breast cancer Prevention – Shortest time, lower doses
Seminar Questions A friend of yours has complained of the following symptoms: A friend of yours has complained of the following symptoms: weight gain difficulty sleeping low sex drive lack of energy depression/mood changes Could these symptoms be due to menopause or andropause?
What questions would you ask in order to confirm that menopause or andropause is the likely cause? Think of it as an investigation, where you are applying the scientific method.
Hormone therapies are an option for treating these symptoms. Describe a person most appropriate for this type of treatment. What are some of the risks associated with this treatment? How do they compare with other forms of hormone therapy, like the use of human growth hormone? Visit the National Institute on Aging to learn more:
Are there alternatives to hormone therapies? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives? How would the following conditions impact any advice you would give your friend: Your friend smokes cigarettes Your friend is male Your friend is between the ages of 25 and 35 Your friend had a hysterectomy
Q and A