1 Iowa Core Curriculum Session 2 January 2010
Common Core/National Standards Judy Jeffrey Monday, January 4,
Brainstorm 6
7 Outcome 6 – What is it all about? Mr. Holland’s Opus Clip
8 Student Engagement & Learning Rigor & Relevance Assessment for Learning Teaching for Understanding Teaching for Learner Differences Student Centered Characteristics of Effective Instruction and Assessment
CEI Briefs Activity Divide up the 5 Characteristics of Effective Instruction briefs within you district team. Read the assigned brief with district initiatives in mind. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the brief. Write each summary statement on poster paper. Report out to District team
What do you see? 10
It’s okay to be a zero... 11
Online Submission of Implementation Plan Ed Info website One of the options Text boxes Cut and paste from the electronic template you have been using Live sometime in February 16
Preparing for the April Session Getting ready to submit your plan Second set of eyes – Peer Review Similar to SINA/DINA process Also opportunity to glean ideas from someone else 17
So Where Do We Start? Prioritize Outcomes – Relations Diagram Targets and actions within the outcomes Information and skills that stakeholders need Resources Each Outcome must be addressed, but NOT each target or action 18
“What’s your current status for each action?”
“What steps will move you forward?”
“Which actions will you include in your initial plan?”
Make sure to address each outcome in the plan….
Copy actions directly from the outcome form…
You’ve already brainstormed activities, remember?
“So what are our next steps?”
27 Iowa Department of Education Iowa Core Curriculum Page w&id=674&Itemid=1023 Essential Concepts and Skills Northwest AEA Iowa Core Curriculum Page riculum/ Northwest AEA Iowa Core Curriculum Blog owa_core_curriculum_blog/ Helpful Websites
Another way to look at it... Due Dates >July 2010July 2012July 2014 Grades 9-12 Initial Implementation Plan Due (Strongly encourage a PK- 12 Plan) Initial alignment of content Initial analysis of alignment Initial analysis of professional development needs Evidence that there is a plan and the plan is in motion Grades K-8 Initial Implementation Plan Due Initial alignment of content Initial analysis of alignment Initial analysis of professional development needs 28