Integration & Inquiry Transitioning to the Common Core & Next Generation of Science Standards CaMSP Learning Network Sacramento, California February 27.


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Presentation transcript:

Integration & Inquiry Transitioning to the Common Core & Next Generation of Science Standards CaMSP Learning Network Sacramento, California February 27 & 28, 2012 Presented by: Jarred Shell, Linda Braatz-Brown, Paul Gale, Ph.D.

Today's Objectives Participants will be able to identify the main differences between the current Standards and the CC & NGSS Standards. Next, they will be able to identify the common themes within them and develop an understanding of how integration and application can facilitate the transition into CC & NGSS.

Why Common Core & NGSS and why right now?

21 st century Skills Ask yourself how do the 21 st century skill fit into the Common Core & NGSS? Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Collaboration Communication

How do Common Core & NGSS compare to current Standards?

21 st century as applied to Common Core and NGSS Basic Knowledge / SkillsApplied Skills Traditional Education CC & NGSS English Language (spoken) Reading Comprehension Writing in English (Grammar, Spelling) Mathematics Science Government/Economics Humanities/Art Foreign Language History/Geography Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Oral Communications Written Communications Teamwork/ Collaboration Diversity Informational Technology Application/Communication Leadership Creativity/Innovation Lifelong Learning/Self Direction Professionalism/Work Ethic Ethics/Social Responsibility

Do you notice a common theme?

Connections between Common Core & NGSS Both systems are built heavily around application! NGSS PracticeCC Math Practice Asking questions and defining problemsMaking since of problems and persevere in solving them Developing and using modelsModel with mathematics Planning and carrying out investigationsLook for and make use of structure Analyzing and interoperating dataReason abstractly and quantitatively Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking Use appropriate tools strategically Constructing explanations and designing solutions Making since of problems and persevere in solving them Engaging in argument from evidenceConstruct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Attend to precision Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Which pedagogy can aid in the transition?

21 st Century Skills (Needs) (Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, 2002) Inquiry Learning (Solutions) (Hmelo-Silver, 2004) Survival Skills for a Global Economy (Needs) (Wagner, 2008) Creativity / Innovation Flexible knowledge Not only one right answer Work on knowledge problems that arise from attempts to understand the world Catalyze knowledge advancement Curiosity / Imagination Critical Thinking / Problem Solving Effective problem-solving skills Identify what is needed to learn to solve a problem Take a critical stance by using various information sources Critical Thinking / Problem solving Professionalism / Work Ethic Intrinsic motivation Teacher acts to facilitate the learning process Take responsibility for knowing what to learn Self- Initiative / Entrepreneurialism Agility / Adaptability Oral and Written Communications Effective collaboration skills Identify what is needed to learn to solve a problem Collaborative solution of knowledge problems Must be collective responsibility Coherence, quality, and utility of ideas Oral and written communication Self-Disciplined WorkerDirected Learner (SDL) Apply new knowledge to the problem and reflect Participants take responsibility for learning Collaboration across networks Leading by influence

Inquiry levelQuestionProcedureSolution Level 1: Confirmation Confirm a principle through an activity when the results are predetermined Given Taught Level 2: Structured Investigate a teacher presented question through a prescribed procedure Given Open Varies Level 3: Guided Investigate a teacher-presented problem/question using student- generated procedures GivenStudent developed Open Varies Level 4: Open (Teacher provides problem) Investigate student-generated questions through student-generated procedures Student developed Open Varies


SMARTER Balanced Assessments SMARTER Balanced theory of action illustrates the vision for an assessment system that will lead to inferences that ensure that all students are well-prepared for college and careers after high school. Claims are the broad statements of the assessment system’s learning outcomes, each of which requires evidence that articulates the types of data/observations that will support interpretations of competence towards achievement of the claims. The consortium identified the critical and relevant claims that will “identify the set of knowledge and skills that is important to measure for the task at hand”. They identified four claims for the summative mathematics assessment and five claims for Summative Assessment of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

Major Claims for SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium Math ClaimsELA Claims Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency. Students can read closely and critically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts Students can frame and solve a range of complex problems in pure and applied mathematics. Students can produce effective writing for a range of purposes and audiences Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others. Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems. Students can engage appropriately in collaborative and independent inquiry to investigate/research topics, pose questions, and gather and present information. Students can skillfully use and interpret written language across a range of literacy tasks.