1-2 sentences describing the issue to be addressed. Example: The Thompson Square community has high rates of chronic disease. Residents have suggested that improving the shade and adding a few pieces of outdoor exercise equipment to a local park would give people a chance to exercise and de- stress, thereby alleviating some of the disease risk factors. 3-4 sentences describing the way in which you went/will go about achieving the objective(s) to address the problem stated in the background Example: Grassroots will meet with community residents, church groups, and civic organizations from January 2015-April 2015 in order to identify needs and priorities in park improvement. Grassroots will consolidate community members’ needs and priorities into an official petition document by May Grassroots will spend 100 hours gathering local signatures with the goal of obtaining 5,000 signatures in support of a city council budget amendment to fund the park improvements desired by local residents throughout June and July of 2015 Grassroots will use the petition to persuade the City Council members to schedule the park improvements for mid-2016 By December 2015, Grassroots will seek outside funding for improvements if City Council is at an impasse 2-3 sentences about what could’ve been done better, what’s next for the organization/community Example: Some community members have described feeling ‘unsafe’ at park, especially past dusk hours, and weren’t sure that exercise equipment would be useful to everyone; future efforts are needed to improve safety and lighting at park at dusk. The park is accessible only across a busy street with a short-timed crosswalk for pedestrians; future efforts are needed to improve pedestrian access to the park Discussion Acknowledgements 2-3 sentences about whether and to what degree you were able to achieve the objective should go here. Example: 15 trees planted and 6 pieces of large exercise equipment planned for 2016 Grassroots will use local newspaper, radio, and flyers at local churches and businesses to advertise the improvements to an estimated 20,000 residents Your text would go here. 1-2 sentences describing the Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time- bound goal(s) set by your organization would go here. Example: The Grassroots Community Based Organization (Grassroots)seeks to identify priorities for park improvement and secure City Council-funded improvements by December 2015 Planned park improvements are meant to improve the park’s attractiveness and function as a place for exercise; possible improvements include planting 15 trees and adding 6 pieces of outdoor exercise equipment to the park Author name, RN1; Author Name, MS2; Author Name, MPH3; Author Name1. 1Name of Community Organization; 2Name of University; 3Name of University University/Community Organization City, State Methods ResultsBackground Objective Poster Title Example- 1 Sentence Improving Community Wellness in Thompson Square Through Improved Park Access