Reed Smith Stabile Starnes Thornton Williamson
Steps In The Creative Process Defined as the production of novel and useful ideas Creative thinking enables leaders to contribute novel insights that can open up new opportunities or alternatives for the group or the organization. 5 steps
Steps In The Creative Process Step 1 Opportunity or problem recognition Step 2 Immersion Step 3 Incubation Step 4 Insight Step 5 Verification and application
Characteristics of Creative Leaders Knowledge- “provides the building blocks for generating and combining ideas.” Cognitive Abilities- “general intelligence and abstract reasoning.” “enthusiastic about puzzling problems” Personality- “positive self image without being blindly self confident.” Can deal with criticism well Passion for the task and the experience of flow- The Componential Theory of individual creativity- “creativity takes place when three components join together: expertise, creative-thinking skill, and task motivation.”
Traditional Thinking Traditional thinking prevents innovating thinking from happening. Traditional thinking imposes on the subordinates that there is no other way of accomplishing a goal.
Over Coming Traditional Thinking It is the job of the leader in the organization to break down ridged thinking It is also the role of the leader to allow his subordinates to break out of their own personal boundaries
Ways to Increase Creativity Systematically collecting fresh ideas Brainstorming “Pet-Peeve” method “Kitchen for the Mind” technique
Establishing a Culture for Creative Thinking Establishing a climate for creative thinking is a requirement for effective leadership. A climate for creativity can be divided into two ways 1). Leadership and managerial practices for enhancing creativity 2). Methods for managing creative workers
Enhancing Creative Problem Solving Practicing creativity-enhancing exercises Staying alert to opportunities Maintaining an enthusiastic attitude
Enhancing Creative Problem Solving Maintaining and using a systematic place for recording your ideas Playing the roles of explorer, artist, judge, and lawyer Engaging in appropriate physical exercise
Leadership Practices for Enhancing Creativity Hire creative people from the outside and identify creative people from within Intellectual challenge Freedom to choose the method Ample supply of the right resources Effective design of work groups Supervisory encouragement Organizational support
Methods of Managing Creative Workers Give creative people tools and resources that allow their work to stand out Give creative people flexibility and a minimum amount of structure Give gentle feedback when turning down an idea Employ creative people to manage and evaluate creative workers
Additional Leadership Practices That Enhance Innovation All leadership and management practices that enhance creative problem solving also enhance innovation There are eight leadership initiatives that enhance innovation
Leadership Initiatives 1-4 Continually Pursue Innovation Company leaders should stay alert to innovative possibilities Important because new technology can make an industry obsolete or endanger it Take Risks and encourage risk taking It is necessary to gamble intelligently and selectively even in times of hardship Emphasize Collaboration among employees Most innovations originate from groups of people working together Acquire Innovative Companies In order to shorten the innovation process, companies must acquire smaller companies that have the innovation they need
Leadership Initiatives 5-8 Avoid Innovation For Its Own Sake Leaders need to exercise good judgement Innovation just for innovation is not always valuable Loose-tight Leadership Enhances Creativity And Innovation Leaders need to allow enough space for new ideas to surface the tightness should be applied when choosing the new idea Integrate Development and Production Innovation may suffer when product development and production people are separated More communication and input is emphasized when integrated Recognize The Hidden Opportunities When Products And Ideas Flop The key is to recognize the new possibilities that emerge from the failure