Good Morning! Find and label all Pronouns and Antecedents then, Correct the following statement. Today we are going to watch a movie, them is going to bridge the gap between our fiction texts and the real world. Find our Essential Question; you will have to answer this.
Agenda Which way is this bus heading? 1.Quiz 2.Movie 3.Discussion 4.Think Fast 5.Scavenger Hunt Answer: Left When shown this picture an entire class of Preschoolers got it right. Their reason – you can’t see the door.
Movie Time In front of you is a New York Times Article from last week. As week read keep a running list of questions and idea on the side of the page.
As we watch… Remember the question you are going to have to answer…. Also know that this is an issue that is happening now, right this very second, not something an author dreamed up for a book – how does that effect the way you think about these issues?
Movie Watch Remember to annotate just like if this were a story on a page.
Post Movie Thoughts? How has the answer to our Essential Question changed?
Think Again In your journal summarize how this video has changed an opinion you have. 3-5 sentences.
Anthem Scavenger Hunt Steps 1.Find 2.Analyze 3.Understand 4.Present
It is Tuesday! Aaaaaaand it’s time for a quiz!!! Clear your desks!
Agenda 1.Grammar Quiz 2.What is a Sentence? 3.Argumentation Review
GRAMMAR QUIZ This is our LAST test on Agreement before we move on!!
What is a sentence anyway? A sentence: Has three parts – subject, verb, and predicate Must complete a thought. Is made up of phrases and clauses.
Practice Before we can combine we need to recognize correctly written complete sentences. Pg. 414 ex 1
Argumentation Review We are going to think about that video from yesterday again. It was clearly a persuasive piece. We are going to watch the Introduction and Conclusion again to analyze key aspects of his persuasive technique.
Your Worksheet
So what does this tell us? Think Critically – Is this an effective use of persuasive technique?
HW Read – Chapter 5 and complete reading guide Study Island Week 2
We are half way there!! Your brain teaser is to tell me what shape the picture shows us!
Agenda 1.Q and A on Anthem 2.Quiz 3.Sentence Combining 4.Review
Pull out your homework and let’s go over it!!
Quiz Part 1 Short Answer Pick 3 to answer 1. Who is the transgressor? How did this person influence Equality? 2. How does each character’s name reflect their internal characteristics? 3. What is Equality’s greatest sin? Why? 4. What impact does the Golden One have on Equality? Is this a good thing?
Quiz Part 2 Essay: Answer in Paragraph form. Compare Equalities society to that in Harrison Bergeron. What are key similarities and differences and how do they impact our protagonist (Equality)?
Any further Questions?
Sentence Combining The art of adding multiple thoughts together to form larger sentences. This is how you become a better writer.
Review What is a simple sentence? Note as we take these notes – please make the same image on your paper.
Practice with Compound sentences. Pg. 336 ex 5 AND With a partner brainstorm all the ways to combine these phrases using our new rules: I get my homework done every night I want to earn an A My grade is lower than it should be
Happy Almost Friday!!!
Agenda BRAINTEASER!! Follow these steps and see if you can figure this out. 1) Get a brown, cardboard box. 2) Get purple, orange, and turquoise paints. 3) Paint the box orange. 4) Paint on purple spots. 5) Paint on turquoise stripes. 7) Turn it upside down. 8) Lie on your side. What is missing from this sequence? 1.Brainteaser 2.Grammar Review 3.Character Sketch and Presentations Step 6
GRAMMAR IS AMAZING!!! Take out your work form yesterday and your blue book!
Grammar What is a simple sentence? What is a compound sentence? What two ways can we combine clauses to make compound sentences?
ANTHEM REQUIZ In paragraph form answer the following question: Ayn Rand wrote Anthem in diary form, using first person major point-of-view. Discuss the merits of this form and point of view for this particular novel. Consider: Why is the diary form crucial to plot and character development in Anthem? How does it help to reveal the setting and establish the nature of this society? How does it contribute to the mystery surrounding the Unspeakable Word? How would using first person minor or third person omniscient point of view weaken the novel?
CHARACTER SKETCH Paper Passers: Make sure that each group has paper and markers!
Step 1 Your group will be given a character or group of people to analyze. Your job will be to look through the text and find different examples of direct and indirect characterization to meet each of the following criteria: Physical Appearance Personality Traits 2 Examples of Figurative Language Symbolism
Step 2 After finding quotes in the text that show examples of each you need to take it one step further. Give the quote and citation PLUS tell me what that tells you about that character.
FINALLY Take all this information and create a poster to display in the room. Remember that attractiveness counts!
HW Keep READING!! Study Island