Who Cares?
Applied Physiology: Menopause Widmaier text p. 694 Onset ~ age 50 Irregular menstrual cycles Breasts and genital organs gradually atrophy Decrease in bone mass & strength (osteoporosis) (bone resorption greater than bone deposition) Hot flashes…sweating, etiology unknown Increased incidence of coronary artery disease
Menopause, continued. Caused by ovarian failure….loss of estrogen Estrogen has protective function for cardiovascular system and sustains bone Diagnosis –Test estrogen levels –Test FSH levels….interpretation if high? Treatment –Hormone replacement therapy –Risk: increased incidence of breast cancer & uterine endometrial cancer –Advantages: alleviates symptoms, restores cardiovascular protection, sustains bone density
Who else Cares?
Aunt Dot
T3 and T4 from Thyroid gland TSH from Ant. Pit. TRH from Hypothal. ⇧Metabolic rate ⇧Temperature ⇧sensitivity to EPI ⇧Heart rate and ⇧Blood Pressure ⇧Lipolysis and fuel mobilizationWeight loss Abnormal Immunoglobulins in patient activate TSH receptors on Thyroid cells ⇩ ⇩ Grave’s Disease
Antibodies mimic TSH: An autoimmune disease Increased BMR and HR, Weight loss, Sweating, Increased sensitivity to EPI Treatment: Radioactive Iodine Mechanism:……..