Tuesday, September 15 th Happy Tuesday! So happy you all made it in today, despite the fact that you stayed up late to watch the eagles…lose. In your notebook,


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday, September 15 th Happy Tuesday! So happy you all made it in today, despite the fact that you stayed up late to watch the eagles…lose. In your notebook, respond to the following in two to three sentences: What has been your favorite part of 7 th grade thus far (besides this class of course? What has been the most surprising?

Today’s Essential Questions What is an antecedent? What does an indefinite pronoun lack? What is a verb? What are the different types of verbs?

Today we will: Review our concepts from last week Define what a verb is Distinguish between action, being, linking and helping verbs Identify different types of verbs in sentences

Nouns Which type of noun describes an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object??

Nouns Cast, society, and family, are all examples of this type of noun:

Nouns Make the following nouns plural: Box Moose Ball Hunch Mouse Trolley Sleeve Flock Bush

Nouns Steve, Burger King, Atlanta- can all be categorized as _________nouns

Nouns fear, wisdom, friendship, and loyalty are all examples of…

Pronouns True or False: All or most possessive pronouns contain an apostrophe.

Pronouns What is a pronoun?

Possessives vs Contractions Which sentence(s) are grammatically incorrect: Do you even know your possessive pronouns? Yes, we know are possessive pronouns. Your sure about that? Yes, its pretty simple once you get the hang of it. …It seems they’re pretty confident!

Pronouns What do indefinite pronouns lack?

Possessives and Contractions Beware! Many people confuse the possessive forms of some pronouns with the contractions they resemble. Pairs often confused include: its and it’s(it is), your and you’re(you are), & their and they’re(they are). Remember: the possessive pronouns DO NOT have apostrophes! The dog lost its tags. VS. It’s raining again. The twins rode their bikes. VS. They’re riding bikes.

What is an ANTECEDENT? The antecedent of a pronoun is the noun or the other pronoun for which the pronoun replaces/stands. The antecedent USUALLY appears before the pronoun in a sentence; sometimes it appears in the sentence before. The architect came today and brought her drawings. (architect is the antecedent of her) Debby and Tom came in. They were laughing. (Debby and Tom are the antecedents of they)

Indefinite Pronouns An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not refer to a particular person or thing (it lacks an antecedent). Some are singular and some are plural.

Singular Indefinite Pronouns Another Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Neither Nobody No one One Somebody Someone

Plural Indefinite Pronouns Both Few Many Several

Individual practice time …if you finish early, engage in SSR

Part I: Identify the Pronouns Circle the pronouns in the following sentences. She hit him on his head. I saw you at your store. He, himself, will be our new friend. It will be hard for me to see you. They always get angry with her and me.

Circle the pronoun and underline the antecedent The chef cut her finger badly. The ranchers rode their horses through the canyon. Mark asked if he could join the team. Although Lindsey fell off the horse, she was not hurt. This dishwasher is much too expensive for its worth.

Circle the correct possessive pronouns or contractions in the following sentences The bird prepared (its/it’s) nest for (its/it’s) young. (Your/You’re) going to enter the poster contest, aren’t you? (It’s/Its) a sure victory if you do! (Their/They’re) newspaper was wet; (its/it’s) pages were stuck together. If (your/you’re) going to the picnic, sign up here. (Your/You’re) ride should drop you off by noon. (Their/They’re) in the yard, practicing with (their/they’re) new baseball gloves.

Circle the correct possessive pronoun in the sentences and underline the indefinite pronoun Neither of the contestants chose (his, their) best category. Few of the students have completed (his or her, their) term papers. At the trial, each of the witnesses told (his or her, their) story. Several of the trees were losing (its, their) leaves. Does anyone have (her, their) flashlight?

Today’s Essential Questions What is a verb? What are the different types of verbs?

Verbs What is a verb and what are the different types of verbs?

Verb Definition A verb expresses an action, states something that exists (state of being), or links the subject with a description.

Action Verb An action verb tells what the subject is doing. Example: Bob threw the ball.

Find the action verbs in the following sentences. 1. The wolf ran across the sand. 2. Sit down. 3. The dog barked at the man.

Find the action verbs in the following sentences. 1. The wolf ran across the sand. 2. Sit down. 3. The dog barked at the man.

Being Verbs State existence Also included as helping and linking verbs 1. am2. is3. are 4. was5. were6. be 7. being8. been

Linking Verbs Connects or links a subject to a noun or an adjective in the predicate that renames or describes the subject. Example: Susan looked happy. I feel shakey whenever I hear about earthquakes. **(Remember, the predicate is the part of a sentence that contains a verb and states something about the subject.)

Common Linking Verbs smell look taste feel remain turn appear become sound seem grow stand being verbs

Find the state of being/linking verbs in these sentences. 1. My uncle is a pilot. 2. The pie looks good. 3. You seem upset.

Find the state of being/linking verbs in these sentences. 1. My uncle is a pilot. 2. The pie looks good. 3. You seem upset.

Pick out the verbs in these sentences and tell whether they are action verbs or linking verbs. 1. Suddenly someone sneezed loudly. 2. There are holes in my shirt. 3. He appears happy.

Pick out the verbs in these sentences and tell whether they are action verbs or linking verbs. 1. Suddenly someone sneezed (action) loudly. 2. There are (linking) holes in my shirt. 3. He appears (linking) happy.

Verb Phrases and Helping Verbs Sometimes a verb can be more than one word. When a verb is more than one word, it is called a verb phrase. Verb phrases can be two, three, or four words. Using helping verbs with another verb makes a verb phrase. These verbs HELP to form the verb phrase. Ex.: I am walking as fast as I can. Tara had been watching the program. Greta has forgotten her lunch.

Common Helping Verbs shall had will has should do would did could must can may have verbs of being

Instructions: Pick out the verb phrases in these sentences. 1. You are going to Seattle. 2. You have been resting too much. 3. We must be early. 4. I will be finished shortly.

Instructions: Pick out the verb phrases in these sentences. 1. You are going to Seattle. 2. You have been resting too much. 3. We must be early. 4. I will be finished shortly.

Closing Time What is a verb? What are the different types of verbs? What do linking verbs connect their subject to? What has been the most confusing part of this grammar unit thus far?