Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Instructions ~ 100 words per box
1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I used a computer because I could get loads of recourses and info of the internet. I also used a computer so I can connect it up to a whiteboard and then I can present it in my class. I thought that if it was on a computer it will be very clear and if it was my handwriting it wouldn’t be as clear. The other resources could be using paper for notes or you can use whiteboard to plan the presentation. I can use a flip charge to plan it or even do it on plan chart.
1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? You will need to know how to put audios and videos and pictures on your slide and how to time your slides. When I do the slides I want I to look good so I use background and I used animations and hyperlinks so my presentations are looking good. Importing my pictures and my writing. I can change the layout of my PowerPoint so it looks organized. I can move my front to the middle of the slide or the slides. I also had to learn about animations to make my presentation looks good and its more for children and adults.
1.2What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? When I put I audio and sound and I put pictures in my slides it made it more interesting and better. When you had more information and more pictures. I use hyperlinks so my presentation looks good. I needed text to be the right size at the right moment just like you would need capitals in places that you want them to do something like and instruction, I used different coloured font like red to stand out.
1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) One thing that could have affected me is my friends around me because I can get distracted very easy. Another reason I might have been affected is my phone and another one might be games on the computers. Another one might be, me not attending school from being ill or having to go to the doctors.
1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I used PowerPoint because it would be easier to section parts of the school that I want to show the new year 7’s like subjects and teachers. I could of used word for this presentation but I would of made it easier. I could of used publisher but that is really for posters which I would of just had to fill the whole poster full of writing instead of photos and words so if I did use publisher it would have been more boring and they wouldn’t of listened or read it. I did kind of use publisher but that was only so that I could get a chart that was made for my PowerPoint.
2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? 12 size font made it appropriate, black text, normal looking font that is able to read, I used hyperlinks to link things that I used in the presentation, I used bold text to make things stand out like titles or subtitles, I used backgrounds for effect, another thing I used was copy and pasted pictures off of the internet, when I show the presentation I used the slideshow, I used the shape tool to put arrows and boxes on it for effect.
1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes, AUP) It was all my own work which I worked hard on to complete. I couldn’t use copyright pictures because our school wouldn’t pay for it. Also we couldn’t use pictures of pupils because it’s child protection. In my work I would of liked to use more videos to show the children more about the work but I couldn’t do this because the file size was to small. Certain things were blocked because of Solihull policy which I have to accept before logging on to the computer
2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? I could go back and see if there was any spelling mistakes or full stop misplacement or comer misplacement. I could see if I changed the font size one place and not the other so I could have 12 one place and 15 another. Another thing I could look for is if I have pressed the spacebar to many times after a sentence.
3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? (keyboard shortcuts, file names & locations, backups, work after school, templates, planning) I could have put more files in and better files, more music, quite a bit more videos and I could make the file names more distinctive. I could have put a template in. If I named a place, I would put specific location and name. I also could have finished earlier so I had more time to change spelling mistakes and minor faults. I could have controlled my detractions because I got distracted very easy by friend and my phone or games on the comupters.