Are you ready to learn?!?!
Today’s Tongue Twister Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh I am so happy!
5 points for being on time!
Color Team POINTS!
Clubs!Clubs! 社
Last week For 3 points: What did you make ( 制造 ) last week?
Last week You made ( 制造 ) a poster ( 海报 ) for your club!
Examples: Dance Club! CHESS CLUB When: Fridays at 3:00pm When: Tuesdays at 4:00 We play chess! You can dance!
Today, we will present ( 说话 ) our clubs!
For 3 points: Today, what are we doing?
Today, we will present ( 说话 ) our clubs!
With your partner: Tell the class why they should join your club! 2 things to remember ( 记得 ): 1.Speak loudly ( 高声 ) 2.Be dramatic ( 显着 )
Example Presentation ( 说话 ) for my club
For 5 points: What are the 2 things you to do need in your presentation?
For 5 points: What are the 2 things you to do need in your presentation? 1.Speak loudly ( 高声 ) 2.Be dramatic ( 显着 )
We will present ( 说话 ) our clubs! The BEST presenters ( 主持人 ) 3 rd place= 1 prize 2 nd place= 2 prizes 1 st place= 3 prizes – Speak loudly and dramatically ( 显着 )
The BEST ( 最好的 ) poster ( 海报 ): 3 rd place= 1 prize 2 nd place= 2 prizes 1 st place= 3 prizes Dance Club! When: Fridays at 3:00pm You can dance!
No poster? You have 5 minutes to make a poster. I will play music. Taylor Swift?Lady Gaga?
Time to present ( 说话 ) our clubs! For 5 points: What are the 2 things you to do need in your presentation?
Time to present ( 说话 ) our clubs! Remember to 1.Speak loudly 2.Be dramatic ( 显着 )
If you have extra time, you can work on time with them Slides below…
Telling Time
Telling Time 9:40 5:20 1:00 8:407:40 2:20
1 point for – one word answers 3 points for – Complete sentence answers
What time does Sally exercise? For 1 point – 1:50. For 3 points – Sally exercises at 1:50.
What time does Po eat breakfast? For 1 point – 6:00. For 3 points – Po eats breakfast at 6:00.
What time does Rick brush his teeth? 1 point: 7:15. 3 points: Rick brushes his teeth at 7:15.
What time does Sponge Bob comb his hair? 1 point: 10:10 3 points: Sponge Bob combs his hair at 10:10.
What time does Naruto sometimes fight? 1 point- 7:25. 3 points- Naruto sometimes fights at 7:25.
What time does Naruto sometimes fight enemies? 1 point- 7:25. 2 points: Naruto sometimes fights enemies at 7:25
When does Minecraft usually dance? 1 point: 11:40 3 points: Minecraft usually dances at 11:40.
When does the Minecraft Zombie usually dance? 1 point: 11:40 2 points: The Minecraft zombie usually dances at 11:40.
What time does Bob always fly to work? Bob always flies to work at 8:23.
Review Game Time!