Our last mini-unit… These will be your last grades- don’t slack off now… FINISH STRONG!!
Social Psychology Study of how our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by our interactions with others
Social cognition how we perceive and remember our social interactions
Before you read… Why do you think you need friends? (List 2 reasons) How do you think you choose your friends? (List 3 reasons)
Page Pull out the reasons why the book says you need friends For each reason- write it down, 1 sentence if you agree/disagree, and then an example to either support or disprove the reason You are doing the same thing for how we choose our friends (book says, agree/disagree, support/disprove)
How should we TRULY choose friends? Using the computer, you are to create a flyer or poster which focuses on how you believe we should choose our friends and why we need friends What you need to include- 2 quotes on friendship Images (your own or found) Your top 2 reasons FOR needing friends (with explanation) Your top 2 reasons ON choosing friends (with explanation)
EXIT TICKET View the image and caption on page 525 Do you think this experiment applies to all real life situations? 2 sentences whether you agree/disagree on the back of your sheet from today