Today we’ll go on an excursion around London
Be active and hard- working!
Complete the sentence. I know that ….
What is in Russian the word “ a fortress”?
What is in Russian the word “ a palace”?
What is in Russian the word “ a prison”?
What is in Russian the word “ a cathedral”?
Какое грамматическое время мы используем, когда говорим о том, что мы уже сделали?
Present Perfect
Say that you have already done the following. Water the flowers!
I have already watered the flowers.
Cook breakfast!
I have already cooked breakfast.
Wash up!
I have already washed up.
Let’s begin our tour around London.
Is the Tower of London a museum or a palace now?
It is a museum now.
Who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral?
Sir Christopher Wren.
How many works are there in the British Museum?
8 million works.
Is the Globe Theatre a copy or original Shakespeare’s Theatre?
It is a copy.
It’s time to count your stars. If you have stars, your mark is “5”. If you have stars, your mark is “4”.
Your hometask: find information and make a poster about one place of interest in London you like most.
I hope some day you will visit the places we remind in this lesson.
Good luck!