Cultivating Ideas to Drive Innovation in Libraries Liying Khoo National Library Board, Singapore
26 Public Libraries National Library National Archives of Singapore Asian Film Archive
2m members 27m visits 35m loans 11m digital user visits FY13 statistics
Innovation begins with an idea.
Innovation is translating creativity into something tangible and beneficial to the organisation
Support from the Top Platform to Innovate Changing mindsets Setting the Stage for Innovation
Proof-of-Concept (PoC) is a method of rapid prototyping
Nurture creativity and innovation in NLB Identify potential innovative projects Help staff turn their ideas into reality through PoC Afford recognition to innovative staff
Call for Ideas: BlackBox Roadshow
Call for Ideas: Learning Journeys
Call for Ideas: Innovation Workshop
BlackBox Competition
1.5million cards redeemed, generating over 2 million loans Loans for 9-12 year age group increased by 30% Won ALA Innovative Library Project (2011) BlackBox 2008 winner Quest
Filesend: Send and receive large files securely and easily QuizSG: A fun mobile app to quiz yourself on facts about Singapore PixelStudio: NLB’s in-house video production team More BlackBox winners
Looking Outward: Partnerships & Co-creation
Open Data Programme An iOS app that searches for items from NLB’s collection. Users can bookmark them and read reviews BookeeSG: searches for NLB’s titles and checks if they are available
Open Data Programme
Support from the Top Platform to Innovate Changing mindsets Setting the Stage for Innovation
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