The Rapid Microbiology Company B a c t i F l o w Real-time microbiology analysis in Food, beverages & cosmetics Compact Microbial Analyser
The Rapid Microbiology Company Based on Proven Technologies l Fluorescent cell labelling (Fluorassure ® ) è Same reagent technologies as used on D-Count ® & ChemScan ® RDI è Validated on more than 500 strains l Bench Top Microbial Analyser è Compact Flow cytometer specifically designed for microbial detection è Laser based detection è Simple to operate l Data acquisition, analysis and real time result display è Automatic data interpretation è Quantitative results in minutes
The Rapid Microbiology Company Fluorassure Viability Markers Criteria of Viability : è Enzyme activity è Membrane integrity Enzyme Viability substrate Free fluorochrome Bacteria Applicable for : è Total Viable Count è Yeast & Moulds è Specifics (on going)
The Rapid Microbiology Company Quantitative Microbial Counting Detector 1 Detector 2 Labelled Sample Laser Sample Flow Cell : è Linear fluid stream è Cells Separated into single entities è Sensitive detectors B a c t i F l o w
The Rapid Microbiology Company Pure Culture Correlation Combined plot of all micro-organisms analysed Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli Bacillus circulans Bacillus licheniformis Enterobacter cloacae Candida albicans Penicilium decumbeus Aspergillus niger
The Rapid Microbiology Company R a p i d l Time to result : è 10 minutes labelling prior to analysis è 1 minute analysis per sample è Simple sample preparation adapted to product matrices Labelling 10 min.Counting 1 min. No cell multiplication required
The Rapid Microbiology Company S e n s i t i v e Combining Speed with Sensitivity l Quantitative counting cell by cell l Sensitivity of detection less than 100 cells / gram. l Linear response up to 100,000 micro-organisms l Direct Counting in less than 15 minutes l Protocol available for Presence / Absence within 24 hours
The Rapid Microbiology Company E a s y t o U s e l Ready to use Reagents l Simple preparation for sample products l Validated protocols for a full range of applications l Fully automated detection and counting l No data interpretation required l Full data traceability l PC with Windows XP interface
The Rapid Microbiology Company B a c t i F l o w A p p l i c a t i o n s Fruit based Products Dairy Products Cosmetics Water Pure cultures