Chesapeake Bay Largest US estuary Six states + DC 64,000 mi 2 10,000 miles of shoreline Home to 17+ million Did NOT meet 2010 water quality goals Restore it!
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load Total Maximum Daily Load EPA puts Bay on a ‘pollution diet’ TMDL: a regulatory tool of the federal Clean Water Act Caps on: in millions lbs/year Nitrogen Phosphorus Sediment Goal: to achieve state clean water standards for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and algae
Excess nutrients low or no Dissolved Oxygen in summer N and P help algae grow When algae die and sink to the bottom, bacteria feed on it, using up all the DO DEAD ZONES anoxia
BAY WATERSHED 60% of Virginia Drains into the Bay
Cities, parking lots, roads, neighborhoods etc…
Major Pollutants Nutrients: Nitrogen & Phosphorus Fertilizer, animal manure, sewage treatment, airborne Stormwater Sediment: Agriculture Urban suburban runoff Construction sites
Stormwater runoff: N, P & Sediment N N N P P P
Jane Thomas For Bay TMDL (Final Dec. 2010) Each state is developing Watershed Implementation Plans to reduce nutrient & sediment loads. Set 2 year milestones for reducing loads Accountability to EPA (hit goals or lose Federal funds!)
Bay Health is defined as progress of 6 indicators towards established scientifically derived ecological goals.
Example Index: Water clarity a measure of how much light penetrates through the water column. dependent upon the amount of particles (e.g. suspended sediment and plankton) and colored organic matter present. Water clarity plays an important role in determining bay grasses and phytoplankton distribution and abundance. For other indices see: tors/ tors/
EPA Update lower amounts of N & P designated If the Potomac River can only have million lbs of Nitrogen & 1.47 million lbs of Phosphorus per year, how does the load get divided up fairly amongst the cities and counties within the Potomac watershed??????
VA Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services manage agriculture and regulate pesticides. VA Dept of Env. Quality DEQ checks on manure and chicken litter, to see if farmers are doing what their Nutrient Mgmt plan says they said. EPA directs State agencies…. EPA is housed in the Ariel Rios building in DC VA Dept of Conservation & Recreation manages natural resources and educates public. DCR regulate permits for wastewater treatment plants, some farming and lawn care operations. Overall enforcement……currently very little unless farmers have cost share money
Wastewater Treatment Plants 90% cleaned up to point where they are at, or almost at, the limits of technology….which means that treatment plant effluent pollutant concentrations really can’t be lowered much further! Turf/Landscape/Golf by 2017, they expect 65% of 2.5 million acres of maintained urban landscape to be reporting pounds of N/sq ft 2 Currently only 1% (2200 acres ) Voluntary reporting 95% reporting by Phosphorus only applied based on soil test result, new training developed for applicators Farming All crops have allowable N & P amounts, but there is little enforcement. P index calculated (how close to stream, soil permeability, nutrients in soil already…). Shenandoah Valley has Poultry Litter Transport Incentive Program mlitlist.pdf mlitlist.pdf BMP Cost Share Program – if funds received, nutrient mgmt plan must be filed State Updates
VA Bay Legislation New stormwater rules for builders: includes wider set backs from streams, more control of sediment during construction. Builders aren’t happy. Still under discussion….. General Assembly convened Jan 13, new bills introduced by No. VA senators & delegates in response to Bay nutrient issues
Senate Bill 582 Sen. Marsden PROPOSED Requires that specialty fertilizers include a label with directions for proper use and precautionary statements to educate users Application of fertilizer beyond recommended use can harm water quality of local streams, rivers, the Chesapeake Bay Sweep fertilizer off pavement & sidewalks to prevent runoff into storm drains that could lead to waterways Application rates per unit area and timing of fertilizer application Contact your local cooperative extension office for more information on the proper use of fertilizers.” Died in Committee!
Senate Bill 583 Marsden PROPOSED Violators may be assessed a civil penalty upon the second offense not to exceed $250. No commercial provider of lawn care or landscaping services shall apply pesticides, fertilizers, or other source of toxic or nutrient nonpoint source pollution onto streets, driveways, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, whether in solid or liquid form. Blow it back ! Died in Committee!
HOUSE BILL 329 PROPOSED Delegate Plum No person shall: 1. Apply on any lawn fertilizer labeled as containing greater than 0% phosphorus, unless soil test indicates need or new lawn 2. Apply lawn fertilizer when the ground is frozen; or 3. Any fertilizer that runs onto impervious surfaces has to be immediately contained and collected
HOUSE BILL NO. 329 PROPOSED Senator Plum Cont’d… D. Effective January 1, 2011, no person shall display for sale any lawn fertilizer contains > 0% phosphorus. It may be sold upon request. E. Effective January 1, 2011,Fertilizers sellers must display sign detailing requirements and effects of phosphorus on state waters & the Chesapeake Bay F. Violators may be assessed a civil penalty by the Department not to exceed $250. All civil penalties assessed under this section shall be deposited in the Water Quality Improvement Fund established by § Ask me about fertilizer run off into the Bay! Phosphate Fertilizer behind Counter. Died in Committee!
Fertilizer Applicator Bill passed, requiring all lawn care companies to be certified to apply fertilizer. That will probably go into effect in July Portions of the other fertilizer- related bills will be worked into this bill. There are no stipulations for homeowners who can apply fertilizer anywhere in any amount!
Prince William County Office of Public Works – Watershed Management Branch State agencies guide local jurisdictions VA DEQ and DCR both provide guidance to Prince William County PWC has a municipal stormwater permit (MS4) will allows certain levels of nutrients, sediment etc.. to be washed into local streams, Occoquan River and onto the Potomac River. Currently PWC is waiting for state guidance on exactly how their MS4 permit will change regarding the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Example: if turbidity or water clarity measurements are unacceptable, building permits may not be issued
. A difference downstream begins in your schoolyard or neighborhood upstream What can you do to help? Keep leaves & grass clippings away from storm drains Use mulching mowers to return grass clippings and their nutrients to the lawn Use compost instead of fertilizer decrease lawn size, add native plants Car waste – car fluids, exhaust and cleaning products contain nutrients Maintain vehicles (and yard equipment) to prevent leaks/minimize emissions Thoroughly clean up spills Wash vehicles on the lawn or at a car wash with environmentally friendly products Always pick up animal poop. A Dog produces 275lbs of waste a year, full of nutrients & bacteria Don’t flush it 1 Goose produces 1lb of N a year Compacted soil can’t absorb water, Plants in compacted soil have reduced absorption of nutrients Keep soil aerated for healthy plants, more water in root zone Keep stormwater on site & out os streams!