Welcome to Copper Trails and…
Welcome to Kindergarten!
Meet the Teacher Night Tonight, please 1. Sign in 2. Study Buddy and blanket (leave in name basket) 3. Photo with your family 4. Getting to Know Your Child (form) turn in tonight 5. Wish List 6. Class Newsletter (you keep) 7. Parent Volunteer (form) turn in later
Meet the Teacher Night communication: 1. (address located on newsletter) note: I bcc for confidentiality 2.telephone (number located on newsletter) 3.agenda 4.class newsletter 5.school newsletter 6.teacher webpage: Slide show: 1.will be posted on my teacher webpage 2.can go over the pictures with your child
CONTACT INFO (located at the bottom of my newsletter)
Welcome to Kindergarten! August 2013 Kindergarten is a very special time in your child’s life. It is a time of learning, growing and having fun. This school year you will see tremendous social and academic growth in your child. So save their work and give them lots of hugs. A few things about me: I have a wife, two boys and a dog. I am starting my 18 th year in education. I have taught kindergarten and graduate students. I have mentored teachers, student interns and student teachers. I earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Santa Barbara California. I have a Med in Elementary Education (ASU) and a Med in Educational Leadership (NAU). I have endorsements in Early Childhood Education, Reading Specialist, and English as a Second Language. I have attached some helpful information to help the school year run smoothly. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mr. Matsuura
Important Information School Day School starts at 8:15 and ends at 2:50. Wednesday is an early release day. The school day is 8:15 -12:35. Attendance Being at school and on time is very important to the education of your child. Please remind your child that they need to be at school to “wake up” his or her study buddy. Class Rules 1.Listen and follow directions 2.Respect my friend's learning 3.Respect my friends and their belongings 4.Keep hands, feet and objects to myself 5.Be kind with my words 6.Wear my school uniform correctly
Parent Volunteer Sign Up ( ) If you are interested in volunteering, please indicate a day(s) and time(s). Volunteer Name:__________________________ Student Name:__________________________ Telephone number:__________________________ address:__________________________ READINGWRITINGMATH ____Monday ____Tuesday____9:00-10:30____afternoon (tbd)____ afternoon (tbd) ____Thursday____9:00-10:30____ afternoon (tbd)____ afternoon (tbd) ____Friday____9:00-10:30____ afternoon (tbd)____ afternoon (tbd) If you are unable to volunteer during school hours, but would like to volunteer to cut and staple packets and books at home, please indicate below. _____ Yes, I would like to volunteer after school hours.
Getting to Know Your Child ( ) Child’s name:_____________________________Birthday:______________________ Any allergies? ____ If so, what are they? _________________________________________________________ How will your child get home on the first day of school? _____________________________ How will your child get home everyday? _____________________________ If bus, Bus route #:_____________________________________________ Bus stop address: _____________________________________________ What are your child’s interests?
Any name corrections? If so, please correct and turn in on this postcard that is available in your child’s name basket.
Basket for tonight’s forms
Copper Trails’ Classroom Rules 1.Listen and follow directions 2.Respect my friend's learning 3.Respect my friends and their belongings 4.Keep hands, feet and objects to myself 5.Be kind with my words 6.Wear my school uniform correctly
Daily Agenda
School uniforms light pink navy blue white light gray hunter green khaki navy blue
This is our classroom #123.
morning drop-off
Look for me in the morning. Mr. Matsuura
Room #123 This is where we line up in the morning.
Look for this sign in the morning and during parent pickup.
This is where you are picked up for dismissal.
This is the bathroom.
This is inside the bathroom. Remember one person at a time and wash your hands.
Homework folder
Bus passes
Lunch money
Lunch boxes
gym: fitness, assemblies, rainy day
Reading, Writing and Math everyday!
Genji and Murasaki
Parent Volunteers!
Sponsored by our awesome PTSA.
Any questions? Please visit in the gym: Wonderful PTSA cafeteria staff (if applicable) bus staff