Module Six: Verbal Messages
Verbal Messages Look for meaning not only in the words spoken, but in the person speaking them
Denotative vs. Connotative Denotation: The dictionary (literal, objective) meaning of a word; the meaning that members of a culture assign to a word Connotation: A word’s emotional, subjective, or personal associations
Indirect Messages Advantage: Indirect messages allow you to express a thought without insulting or offending anyone; they allow you to observe the rules of polite interaction Disadvantage: Indirect messages can create ambiguity and be misunderstood
Gender Differences in Directness Stereotypically, women make indirect requests; men give direct orders
Cultural Differences in Directness Many Asian and Latin American cultures value indirectness, which enables a person to avoid appearing criticized or contradicted American styles of communication favour directness
Abstraction The level of abstraction in verbal communication will vary depending on the context and audience of the message Use abstraction sparingly; express your meaning in specific terms
Abstract vs Concrete Abstract terms - concepts and ideas that have no physical dimensions (freedom, love, happiness, equality) Concrete terms -refers to objects, people, happenings that are perceived through sight, smell, touch, hearing, or taste
From the General to the Concrete Culture Entertainment Movie Classic Musical “Singing in the Rain”
People The meaning of a message can vary depending on the speaker and the speaker’s circumstances
Context Verbal and nonverbal messages exist in context, which affects their meaning Cultural context influences the meaning assigned to speech as well as whether the meaning is friendly, offensive, sensitive, etc.
Inclusion and Exclusion Inclusive messages: Include all people present and acknowledge the relevance of others Exclusive messages: Exclude specific people and, in some cases, entire cultural groups
Confirmation Acknowledges the presence of the other person Indicates your acceptance of this person, of this person’s definition of self, and of your relationship as defined or viewed by this other person
Disconfirmation: Denying Others’ Significance Sexism: derogatory behaviour or language toward one sex (usually women) Heterosexism: attitudes, behaviours, and languages that disparage people who are GLBTQ Racism: conscious or unconscious attempt to place a racial or ethnic group in an inferior position Ageism: discrimination based on age
Cultural Identifiers To avoid sexism, heterosexism, racism, and ageism, learn and be sensitive to preferred cultural identifiers
Orientation Intensional: To view people, objects, and events in the way they are labeled Extensional: To look first at the actual people, objects, and events, and only afterwards at their labels
Facts and Inferences Recognize the distinction between statements of fact and statements of inference
Fact-Inference Confusion Occurs When Inferences are treated as fact Statements are made based on observation and inferences Factual statements are not based on observed facts only Inferential statements are not recognized as important to establish what is meaningful
Indiscrimination The failure to distinguish between similar but different people, objects, or events
Polarization The tendency to look at the world in terms of opposites and extremes The fallacy of either/or and black/ white statements The inappropriate use of opposites The implication that there are only two sides to a problem—failure to look for middle ground
Speaking Appropriately Formality of language Jargon Slang Profanity Vulgar expressions
Have A Great Day…