What Is Nutrition? -The study of how your body uses the food that you eat.
What is a Nutrient A nutrient is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body. Some provide energy. All help build cells and tissues, regulate bodily processes such as breathing. No single food supplies all the nutrients the body needs to function.
Vitamins Minerals Water Protein Carbohydrates Sugars Starches Fiber Fats
Nutrients that supply Calories: Proteins Carbohydrates Fats
Definition of a Calorie: A unit of measure for energy in food
Calories per gram: Protein 1 Gram = 4 calories Carbohydrates 1 Gram = 4 calories Fat 1 Gram = 9 calories
Factors that affect nutrient needs: 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Activity Level 4. Climate 5. Health 6. State of nutrition
Carbohydrates Types: SimpleComplex a.Sugarsa. Starches b. Fiber Functions: Supply Energy Food Sources; Grains (Bread, Rice, Pasta) Fruits and Vegetables
Fiber – Carbohydrates con’t Types: CrudeDietary a.Residuea. Cellulose b. Pectin Functions: Aids in digestion Food Sources; Grains (Bread, Rice, Pasta) Fruits and Vegetables
Vitamins Fat-SolubleWater-Soluble Vitamin AVitamin C Vitamin DB-Complex Vitamins Vitamin E Vitamin K Functions: Regulate Body Processess Food Sources; Fruits and Vegetables – Grains
Minerals Macro-mineralsTrace Minerals CalciumA. Iron B. Zinc PhosphorusC. Fluorine D. Iodine E. Copper Functions: Regulate Body Processes Food Sources; Fruits and Vegetables – Grains
Minerals – con’t Electrolites Sodium Chloride Potassium Functions: Regulate fluid balance Food Sources; Fruits and Vegetables – Grains
Protein Types: CompleteIncomplete Contains all 9 essentialMissing one or more amino acids essential amino acids Functions: Build & Repair Body Tissues Food Sources: Meat and Dairy
Fats Fatty Acids Cholesterol A.SaturatedA. HDL B.PolyunsaturatedB. LDL C.Monounsaturated Functions: Reserve Energy Source Food Sources: Butter, oils, fat in foods
Water Most Important NUTRIENT Functions: Keep body hydrated, Carry vitamins and minerals, Regulate body temperature