African Americans in a Racist Age 1o million blacks in 1900 More than 2/3 lived in the rural south By 1910 over 20% of southern black population was urban dwelling Jobs as factory worker, miners, carpenters plaster brick layers. Also worked on docks and railroads. Black women would work as factory workers servants, seam stresses and also worked in laundries and tobacco factories.
African Americans in a Racist Age “ Jim Crow” laws strictly segregated streetcars, trains, schools, parks, public buildings and even cemeteries. Blacks generally earned 1/3 less than whites. They took oaths on separate bibles than whites. North blacks had many opportunities. 200,000 blacks migrated to the north between By million African Americans lived in the north. They lived in “colored districts.” Northern Blacks could vote.
African Americans in a Racist Age Blacks has the lowest paying jobs classic “The Birth of a Nation”, by D.W. Griffith’s disparaged blacks glorified the Ku Klux Klan. Ex. 4 Blacks were murdered in The authorities did nothing. Black religious life supported many. Relied on the networks of relatives and neighbors to provide child care. A thriving “ Negro League” (baseball) Jazz was popular. WC Handy (the blues) Had very little colleges.
Racism and Progressivism Racism was higher during the progressive era. Lillian Wold and Ray Stonard Baker spoke out about racism and tried to get people to stop. Progressives as a whole did not like the blacks. Blacks were controlled and separated. South reformers very active but anti black. Woodrow Wilson President between was against blacks. Separated races in government. Supported racist movie “ The Birth of a Nation.”
Racism and Progressivism Some progressives did speak up for blacks. Mary White Ovington helped found National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Progressive social turned a little ugly, turning destructive.
Controversy Among African Americans Booker T. Washington born into slavery in Son of a slave mother and her white master. He enrolled at Freedoms school in Hampton Virginia. Set his racial views at a famous address in Very traveled. Wrote an autobiography called “ Up From Slavery”. Du Bois <- Americas fist black PhD from Harvard in 1895.
The Founding of the NAACP 1890’s Afro-American council Booker T. Washington, 1900 opponents turned elsewhere Du Bois’s leadership “ Niagara Movement”. Publisher Oswald Garrison Villard, Du Bois other blacks form Nation Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Wanted political equality for blacks, and went against the president ,000 member in 50 branches. Racial equality improving.