By: David Lorenzen
Image Title: Two African Americans hanging from a tree. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. Erics Essays and Videos. 14 Feb Web. 13 Feb Topic: A crowd of White people looking at two coloreds hanging in a tree. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Picture. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative. Found Where: On Google Found How: Searched Jim Crow law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It shows what extent many people would go to in the times of racim/segregation. What Does This Image State About Power? Seeing two bodies hanging in a tree shows to what extent some people are willing to go to, to make their point. Why Do You State So? It shows that human beings will resort to killing each other for what they believe in. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Segregated sinks Bibliographic Citation:N.d. Photograph. Tumbr. Web. 13 Feb Topic: Black man drinking out of a sink labeled “colored.” Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Picture Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive Found Where: On Google Found How: Typed in powerful images on google. Why Select This Image? Because it shows how lucky we are now to not be segregated. What Does This Image State About Power? It shows how one word can display racism. Why Do You State So? Because it shows segregation. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Colored waiting room sign. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. RJH. 5 Apr Web. 13 Feb Topic: A picture showing a sign designating a waiting room only for coloreds. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Picture Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative. Found Where: On Google Found How: By typing in Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It shows an example of segregation in the U.S. What Does This Image State About Power? One sign can display racism and segregation to a who race. Why Do You State So? This sign shows that this waiting room was only for coloreds. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Coloreds protesting segregation of schools. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. Understanding Society. 17 June Web. 13 Feb < on-race.html>. Topic: Coloreds protesting that schools should not be segregated. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photo. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative. Found Where: On google images. Found How: Seached Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It displayed Coloreds standing up for their rights. What Does This Image State About Power? That people can stand up for their rights even when many people are against them. Why Do You State So? Even though many people were against them, they still protested for their rights. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Rex Theatre for colored people. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. How Stuff Works. HowStuffWorks, Inc. Web. 13 Feb < /civil-rights-movement1.htm>. Topic: This was a movie theatre made for just colored people. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photo. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative. Found Where: On google images. Found How: Searched Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It displayed a theatre only for coloreds. What Does This Image State About Power? That they were so serious about segregation that they made a theatre only for coloreds. Why Do You State So? Because they did not want to be in the same movie theatre as coloreds so they made their own. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Help Wanted. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. ABHM. Web. 13 Feb Topic: An African American looking at a help wanted white only sign. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photo. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive. Found Where: On google. Found How: Searched Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It is an example of racism/segregation. What Does This Image State About Power? One sign can affect a whole race of people. Why Do You State So? Because the owners are only hiring whites the rest of the people will be without jobs. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Boy protesting. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. Glogster. Web. 13 Feb Topic: School boy protesting because he doesn’t want to go to school with coloreds. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photo. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive. Found Where: On google. Found How: Searched Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It is an example of racism/segregation. What Does This Image State About Power? One sign can affect a whole race of people. Why Do You State So? Because this boy protesting affects other people from getting a fair education. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Image Title: Clinton High Strike. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. Sinaramas World Academy. 4 Sept Web. 13 Feb < /example-jim-crow-laws/>. Topic: Three students protesting colored’s going to their school. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Picture Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative Found Where: On google Found How: By searching Jim Crow Pictures on google Why Select This Image? It is an important image to history showing racism/segregation. What Does This Image State About Power? Even teenagers can display racism and impact others. Why Do You State So? These teens are displaying that they do not want coloreds in their school thus not allowing students to get a fair education. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Text: This is a picture document from the 1900’s showing three boys from Clinton high school protesting because they do not want their school to be integrated with African Americans. This photograph is special because it displays the boys striking. It shows how they truly believe and feel toward African Americans. Reader: The intended audience would have been for anyone in the 1900’s who were involved in integrating their school. I am not the intended audience because I did not live in the same time as them and could not positively or negatively affect them with this issue. Author: The three boys in the picture wrote the text on their signs because they wanted to strike to display that they did not want to go to school with African Americans. Constraints: In the photograph the three boys are displaying racism/segregation. So it is going to be very hard for people to view it depending on what beliefs they hold. Exigence: The three boys had found out that their school was to be integrated with African Americans so they decided to go on strike to show that they do not wish to be integrated. Trace
Image Title: “This nigger voted” sign. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. PBS. Educational Broadcasting Corporation. Web. 13 Feb Topic: An African American hanging from a tree with a sign saying “this nigger voted.” Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photo. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive. Found Where: On google. Found How: Searched Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It is an example of racism/segregation. What Does This Image State About Power? One sign can affect a whole race of people. Why Do You State So? Because by hanging this man for voting others will be too scared to vote. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Text: This is a picture document from the 1900’s showing an African American man hanging from a neuse with a sign hanging on him stating, “This nigger voted.” This picture is horrible because it shows a human being who was killed just for trying to vote. Reader: The intended audience would have been for anyone in the 1900’s who were African American and wanted to try and vote. I am not an intended audience of the picture. But this picture is a warning to other African Americans that if you try and vote this could happen to you too. Author: The author of this text was the people who hung this man for voting. They were prompted to do this to this man because they truly believed that this man should not have the right to vote and they did not want other African Americans to vote. Constraints: This photograph is displaying major racism/segregation toward African Americans because they are hanging a man just for trying to fulfill his right to vote. This is stated from the sign hanging on his neck saying “this nigger voted.” Exigence: This man was hung because he voted as an African American man. The men that hung him believed that he should not have the right to do so and they were warning other African American men not to vote either or else they would be killed as well. Trace
Image Title: Man getting kicked in the face. Bibliographic Citation: N.d. Photograph. Ol Buzzards World. Web. 13 Feb < -segregation-and-that.html>. Topic: An African American getting kicked in the face by a white man. Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photo. Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive. Found Where: On google. Found How: Searched Jim Crow Law pictures on google. Why Select This Image? It is an example of racism/segregation. What Does This Image State About Power? It can seem ok to abuse another human being. Why Do You State So? Because there was a crowd of people standing watching him get kicked so now others might think that its ok to do so. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Racism/Segregation.
Text: This is a picture document from the 1900’s showing an African American man who is getting kicked in the head by a white male with a crowd of people watching. This is a unique peace because it shows how common violence was against African Americans in the 1900’s Reader: The intended audience would have been for anyone in the 1900’s who was African American. It is to show how white males feel toward African Americans and to warn African Americans. I am not the intended audience. Author: This picture was taken to display the violence that took place on a daily bases in the 1900’s. Constraints: This photograph is displaying major racism/segregation toward African Americans because it is displaying human violence while other white males are standing around watching and grinning. Exigence: This man was kicked in the face because he was an African American man on the streets who had offended the white men who circled him and beat him. Trace