Social inequality due to race, class, gender, and age and the movie Crash.
Movie Recap First, let’s just try to summarize the movie. What does the title, Crash, mean? What do you think about it? How believable is this movie? What are the factors that you used to come to this conclusion?
Connecting to “Defining Racism” Using the definitions of prejudice and racism as presented in this article, make of list of examples of each that were evident in Crash. Prejudice Racism
With a Partner Read the question that you are given. Discuss your ideas with your partner. Consider the movie, personal experience, “Defining Racism” and any previous knowledge that you may have as you consider the questions. Record your individual/group responses on the piece of paper. We will then be rotating through the questions.
Homework Read the excerpt from The Practical Skeptic. Fill in the definitions on the back of your Unit 4 Framework as you read. Choose 5-7 of the terms or ideas that are presented in the reading and connect them to the movie Crash. You may do this through the creation of a chart or bulleted list.