Chemical Contaminants nitrates, phosphates, total dissolved solids Nate Caldwell Shawn Sargent Zeke Plymesser
Nitrates Nitrogen fertilizers are used to enrich soils. They can be carried by rain and irrigation through the soil into ground water. Human and animal wastes also contribute to excessive levels. Concentrations of more than 10ppm have been shown to cause “blue-baby syndrome”, a potentially life threatening blood disorder.
Phosphates There are many ways phosphates enter drinking water: – Human and animal waste – Phosphorus rich bedrock – Laundry/cleaning – Industrial effluents / fertilizer runoff Eutrophication – natural aging process of a body of water Cultural eutrophication – excellerated process caused by man’s addition of phosphates, nitrogen, and sediment in water
Total Dissolved Solids Total dissolved solids (TDS) – measure of the amount of minerals in water Originates from natural sources: mineral springs, carbonate deposits, salt deposits, sea water intrusions Unnatural sources: roadway salt, anti-skid materials, drinking water treatment chemicals, stormwater and agricultural run- off, and wastewater discharges