Details on the Painting and Writing your words in a font Objective: You will use detail in order to crisp up edges with black markers and to write your words in a detailed font. DRILL: 1.Take out your sheet that is titled: “Applying Typography to your Words” If you don’t have that sheet, get it from corner of table. 2.Look at a font. Write your words. 3.If you are finished painting and lettering, use a black marker to outline your edges. 4.Look at your LINE and SHAPE pages for ideas of how to decorate your paintings. You can use colored pencils.
Progress Reports 1.Highlight or circle any grade lower than an A. 2.Look online to do these assignments. 3.If you want to add to any assignments and turn them back in, make them better. To turn assignments in: 1. Do it or improve it. 2. Put a post-it note on top of new pages 3. Turn in with Progress report and circle grade that you are trying to change. 4. Put in TO BE GRADED box.
Reflective Self Portrait Objective: You will use observational drawing in order to draw yourself in a reflective surface. DRILL: 1.Get out your artwork. 2.If you have your homework – take it out. 3.Let’s look at this week’s homework: 4.Take out your yellow table that is titled CREATING YOUR OWN ARTWORK.
Creative Shading Objective: You will use value in order practice for shading on realistic objects. DRILL: 1.Draw a design using at least 10 lines and 10 shapes. Use a ruler and/or shapes to trace from stencils or rectangles/ circles from back. 2.We will use gradual and stepped shading to fill the spaces. 3.Then we can use mark-making and color.