Attitude! By: Sierra Bully
I think Mr. Ford meant there is no right or wrong way to perceive yourself or one’s abilities. If you think you can, or you think you can''re right!" - Henry Ford Ford was trying to say that whatever you think about yourself, it will never be wrong.
What are some examples of somebody who truly excels over somebody who simply does well? Track & Field? Job Interview? An example of someone who exceeds over someone else would be someone who pushes themselves over the top rather than just settling for second best.
W.I.T.(What ever it takes). If it takes an extra 5% effort, an individual who wishes to be truly great will have a W.I.T. attitude. T How I would incorporate the W.I.T attitude is just bring positivity and just give 105% to every possible second of class time! Always have confidence and pride in my work.
One group of people that seek to Lead. -One group of people that makes it possible for the other group to lead. Can you think of another type of person? Are there leaders that lead in a negative light? What group do you want to be in? One group of people would also be the support system. They make sure both party’s help each other. Some leaders that lead in a negative light would be a Dictator. Adolf Hitler was a negative leader who committed acts such as genocide.
Type Of Leader I Want To Be! I want to be someone that people look up to but also take notice of my mistakes and see that I cant be perfect. I also want to be known for the crazy person that I am and that I always stood up for what I believed in no matter what.