Parish Leaders Workshop (02/28/15) MISSION STATEMENT: Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically and in missional leadership.
Parish Leaders Workshop AGENDA 8:30 AMGather, bagels and coffee available 9:00 AM Welcome & Morning Prayer Theological Reflection & Team Building 9:45 AMDiocesan Resources for Parish Leaders 10:15 AM Break 10:30 AMNew Congregational Development Opportunities Moving Back Into the Neighborhood Parish Capital & Stewardship Campaigns 11:30 AMCombined Endowment & Managing Investments Human Resources Information 12:10 PMNoonday Prayer – Deb Grasso 12:15 PMLunch and Table Discussions 12:45 PMReflections from Table Discussions 1:00 PMBlessing & dismissal
Diocesan Resources MISSION STATEMENT: Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically and in missional leadership.
Congregational Development Opportunities MISSION STATEMENT: Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically and in missional leadership.
Congregational Development Moving Back Into the Neighborhood Overview: Need to reconnect our congregations to our communities First Step – Moving Back Into the Neighborhood Workshop (Friday night and Saturday) Everyone interested is invited Fun and interactive Practical steps to reengage community Learn the 5 Steps for Going Local
Next Steps MBiN Gather at least parishes Engage Consultants in 5 step process – Listening – Discerning – Experimenting – Evaluating – Living into a New Future
Stewardship Opportunities MISSION STATEMENT: Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically and in missional leadership.
Capital Campaign and Stewardship The St. Thomas, Rochester Story
Stewardship Education Opportunity with JD Klote – Stewardship workshops on Annual Campaign – District Focus Diocesan Stewardship committee – Needs members – Needs feedback on how and when
Combined Endowment Investment Review MISSION STATEMENT: Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically and in missional leadership.
Investment Management Discussion Combined Endowment Overview: 75% of parishes participate, along with the Diocese Pooled funds totaled ~ $23 M. as of 12/31/14 Funds managed by Genesee Valley Trust (GVT) Diversified portfolio with a long-term investment horizon Investment Policy Statement (IPS) Diocesan website Audit & oversight: Investment Review Committee of Trustees, Bonadio Group, Clifton Larson Allen
Investment Allocation Current Asset Allocation^ (as of December 31, 2014) ^ Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding.
Investment Performance 3-YR average annual return 11.7% (net of fees) Compared to 3-YR benchmark return 13.0%
Fees GVT Fees- Reduced to 1.14% on 1/1/15 Diocese administrative fees- None
Administration of Funds Establishing Authorization Distributions- Planned Withdrawals- Unplanned Additions/ Transfers to existing funds Gifts of Stock Using Electronic transfer in and out of accounts New Accounts Monthly Reporting
Investment Management Discussion Questions/Feedback When is it appropriate to invest in the Combined Endowment? Potential interest in a NEW pooled fund for short term investments? How else can we help you?
Calculating 2015 Draw from Investments EXAMPLE: Parish investments average $360K (trailing 13 audited quarters 2010 – 2013) 5% annual draw on $360K average balance = $18,000 Recommend monthly draws of ~ $1,500 - smooth cash flow & minimize impact of “market timing” Contact GVT to change distributions via electronic funds transfer directly into church bank account
Human Resources Information MISSION STATEMENT: Grow and develop congregations spiritually, numerically and in missional leadership.
Human Resources Information Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ALL positions are either EXEMPT or NON-EXEMPT for overtime and minimum wage requirements EXEMPT Employees: Executive Professional (Clergy) Computer Outside Sales Administrative NON-EXEMPT: All other positions, not specifically covered under one of the above exemptions
Human Resources Information FLSA Classifications Administrative Exemption: To qualify, all of the following tests must be met: The employee must be compensated on a salary basis at a rate not less than $455 per week ($23,660 for 52 weeks); The employee’s primary duty must be the performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or the employer’s customers; and The employee’s primary duty includes the exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance.
Human Resources Information NYS Minimum Salary Higher minimum salary for executive & administrative employee exemptions in New York State: $ /week, in 2013 ($28,275 Annual Salary) $ /week, effective December 31, 2013 ($31,200) $ /week, effective December 31, 2014 ($34,125) $ /week, effective December 31, 2015 ($35,100) There are no “part-time”, EXEMPT positions.
Human Resources Information Parish/Vestry Resources 2015 Compensation Policy & Budgeting Guidelines (mailed out each September) Employee Handbook – New, updated by HR Committee in consultation with HR Works. Can be modified or adopted by the Vestry for parish use. Both documents posted on website (Budget & Finance) Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) HR Committee of the Diocese – available to consult on specific questions or issues
Human Resources Information Lay Employee Pension 2009 General Convention resolved that all lay employees scheduled to work 1,000 hours or more annually be provided with a lay pension plan administered and designed by The Church Pension Fund (CPF). 403 (b) plans: Employers must contribute not less than 5% of the employee’s compensation AND also match (on a dollar-for-dollar basis) not less than 4% of compensation. This resolution forms the minimum requirement that applies to all employers within the Diocese of Rochester. Previous Diocesan policy recommended that employers contribute 12% of the employee’s salary, utilizing CPF lay pension program. Effective 01/01/15, the Diocese recommends that all employers contribute 8% of the employee’s salary as the employer base contribution and up to an additional 4% employer matching contribution. This approach results in a 12% maximum employer contribution for employees that contribute 4 % or more to their own plan. Employers may elect to “migrate” to this higher level of benefit by changing the base contribution by 1% point, per year until they reach 8% employer base contribution.