ORIENTATION Grants Development Office & Sponsored Programs
Who We Are Grants Development (“Pre-Award”) is part of the Division of College Advancement o Kathy Meeker, Director o Tanja deMauro, Grants Writer Sponsored Programs (“Post-Award”) is part of the Division of Finance & Administration o Denise Straut, Director o Aleksandra Andreic, Sponsored Programs Manager o Melissa Nicosia, Human Resources Manager o Penny Ostrander, Purchasing / Accounts Payable o Lara Woods, Payroll / Cost Share
Seek external funds and administer grant and contract awards Our Primary Mission
It is the policy of the College that all grants and contracts submitted to external sponsors must be cleared through the Grants Development Office (grants and some contracts) and/or Sponsored Programs (contracts), and approved by the College’s Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR). Regardless of value, all externally funded awards to SUNY Oneonta for research, training, programs, curriculum development, etc. are fiscally administered by the Research Foundation of SUNY. Institutional Relations
The Research Foundation of SUNY is a private, nonprofit educational corporation whose primary responsibility is the administration of externally funded contracts and grants for and on behalf of the State University of New York. Research Foundation of SUNY
Pre- and Post-Award Services Pre-Award (Grants Development Office) Helps you identify, apply for, and obtain the funding Post-Award (Sponsored Programs) Helps you manage the funding and comply with various policies, both internal and external We collaborate closely. By working with us, you can design a program for external funding that complies with guidelines, avoids conflicts, and provides maximum flexibility.
For fiscal year : SUNY Oneonta ranked third of the twenty-one SUNY University and Technology Colleges in sponsored program expenditures, and second in committed funds. (Source: Research Foundation of SUNY) Sponsored Program Activity
Grants Development Office
We help to: o Brainstorm project ideas o Research funding opportunities o Strategize approaches for seeking funds o Develop and edit proposal narratives o Draft proposal budgets o Facilitate the support of administration and external partners o Ensure compliance with sponsor requirements o Work with Sponsored Programs to secure campus approvals for submission o Submit applications, electronically or otherwise Proposal Preparation Grants Development Office
20 grant proposals submitted in 2010/11 (requesting a total of $7.5 million) 8 of these were awarded (total funding = $2.4 million); 2 are pending Current RF grant portfolio includes 11 awards totaling $4.55 million NSF (6), NASA (1), US Dept of Education (1), US Geological Survey (1), Institute of Museum and Library Services (1), Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership (1) Recent Grant-Seeking Activity Grants Development Office
Grant-Seeking Resources Grants Development Office
Life of the Mind: Our Common Goal Grants Development Office
The 2010 Life of the Mind merged the successful Faculty Research Show and Celebration of Teaching events, and featured: o 71 presentations o 136 faculty, students and collaborators o 31 departments / 16 affiliated institutions The full program with abstracts is available at: Life of the Mind (cont.) Grants Development Office
Abstract submission deadline: Sept. 26 th Grants Development Office
The 2011 Student Research Day featured: o 99 presentations o 193 student co-authors o 60 faculty sponsors o Dr. Nancy L. Zimpher, SUNY Chancellor o Dr. Mitchell Olman ’78, Cleveland Clinic : From Horseshoes to Humans: Coagulation is Linked to Fibrosis For full program including abstracts see Grants Development Office
Faculty Grant Programs o Competitively reviewed campus grant programs that fund research ($2,500 max) and creative activity ($1,500 max) projects o Funded from SUNY Research Foundation indirect cost recovery and NYS Research Initiatives at Non-Doctoral Campuses funds (pending) o Applications due in early spring semester for funding on a fiscal year basis (July 1 to June 30) o 2011/12 round – 15 awards totaling $23,920 Grants Development Office
Other Internal Funding o Student Grant Program for Research and Creative Activity o $1,500 maximum request per project o Submitted by student(s) with faculty sponsorship o Funded by College at Oneonta Foundation and the Alumni Association ($40,000 in 2010/11) o See for guidelineswww.oneonta.edu/academics/frc/ o Teaching, Learning and Technology Center programs for innovative use of instructional technology (see TLTC website) o UUP ( Individual Development Awardswww.oneontauup.org o Faculty Development Funds (Provost): Early Fall semester Note: These programs were offered in 2010/11, but availability, funding levels and guidelines are subject to change Grants Development Office
Other Services o Promotion of faculty and student research and scholarly activity through special projects and initiatives o Outreach (campus and community) o Grant writing workshops/classes o Support to the College’s significant private fund raising efforts o Service on College Committees Grants Development Office
Sponsored Programs
Award Administration Sponsored Programs currently manages close to 100 grant and contract awards and other related funds with almost $6 million in annual expenditures Faculty grant awards Contracts (e.g. migrant programs, Biological Field Station services) Faculty and student campus-based grant programs Sponsored Programs
Services for Funded Programs FISCAL and PERSONNEL Payroll and effort reporting Benefits and leave assistance Cost share Procurement Travel ADMINISTRATION Support in administering sponsored projects in accordance with federal, sponsor, College, SUNY and Research Foundation guidelines. Sponsored Programs
Compliance Oversight o Human Subjects Research Must have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval; consult website for information and forms o Animal Research Dr. Vicky Lentz o Radioactive Materials Dr. Nancy Bachman o Biohazards Tom Rathbone o Export Controls Research involving travel to a foreign country or work with foreign nationals requires review for compliance Sponsored Programs
Compliance Oversight (cont.) o Responsible Conduct of Research Requires training for students funded by some agencies (e.g. NSF); Misconduct Policy Officer: Dr. John Schaumloffel o Financial Disclosure Financial disclosure statement is required to earn a salary rate in excess of a certain threshold ( o New York State (NYS) Contracts If award is made through a NYS contract, applicable forms must be completed Sponsored Programs
Grants Development Office Sponsored Programs We THANK YOU and look forward to working with you!