WHO CAN I CONTACT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION? The officers and association board members listed below may be contacted for questions: Officers Mayor Jim Burke (Honorary) Geoff Vanderlin, President City Hall 306 Devonshire St. 121 W. 2 nd St.Dixon, IL Dixon, IL (815) (815) Clark Kelly, Vice President Carol Gorman, Secretary 1010 Villa Rd.3732 Cedar St.Dixon, IL (815) (815) Corey Eykamp, Treasurer 416 Depot Ave. Dixon, IL (815) Board Members John Arnould Ray Schmidt (815) (815) David NelsonCarol Jones (815) (815) Pat GormanEvelyn Rapp (815) (815) Ken Mendel (815) Dixon Sister Cities Association P.O. Box 582 Dixon, IL Dikson, Siberia 2010
Dixon Sister Cities Association WHAT IS IT? The Sister City concept traces its origin to shortly after World War II. A national sister city movement emerged when U.S. resident Dwight D. Eisenhower convened a White House conference on citizen diplomacy in Originally part of the National League of Cities, the Sister City concept became a separate nonprofit organization in WAT DOES DIXON SISTER CITIES ASSOCIATION DO? Dixon Sister Cities Association a nonprofit citizen diplomacy organization that promotes creating and strengthening partnerships between the City of Dixon and international communities in a effort to increase global cooperation at the municipal level, to promote cultural understanding and to stimulate economic growth and development, trade and tourism. The Association advocates the movement for local community development and volunteer action by motivating and empowering private citizens, municipal officials and businesses to create and conduct long-term programs of mutual interest and benefit. The Association currently receives no government funding (including local) but exists solely because of the commitment of private citizens and local businesses through membership and/or donations to the Association. Dixon currently has two sister cities, Herzberg, Germany and Castlebar, Ireland. Large delegations from Herzberg have visited Dixon twice and delegations from Dixon have visited Herberg twice. In August, 2006 a delegation from Dixon will again travel to Herzberg, Germany. Last August, Dixon Sister Cities Association delegates along with Mayor Jim Burke, traveled to our newest sister city—Castlebar, Ireland to sign the charter establishing a new sister city relationship. The city of Castlebar, Ireland will be sending a large delegation to Dixon in May of 2006 to learn about the Dixon way of life. Watch for future announcements in the Telegraph as their visit approaches. CAN ANYONE JOIN? ABSOLUTELY!!! If you find learning about new cultures exciting If you enjoy international travel If you feel that broadening Dixon’s trade and tourism base is important If you know that international relationship building helps communities share ideasas daily life becomes more tied to a global communities then, yes! this organization is for you! HOW CAN I JOIN? WHAT IS DIXON SISTER CITIES? The Sister City concept traces its origin to shortly after World War II. A national sister city movement emerged when U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower convened a White House conference on citizen diplomacy in Originally part of the National League of Cities, the Sister City concept became a separate nonprofit organization in WHAT DOES DIXON SISTER CITIES ASSOCIATION DO? The Dixon Sister Cities Association is a nonprofit citizen diplomacy organization that promotes creating and strengthening partnerships between the City of Dixon and international communities in a effort to increase global cooperation at the municipal level, to promote cultural understanding and to stimulate economic growth and development, trade and tourism. The Association advocates the movement for local community development and volunteer action by motivating and empowering private citizens, municipal officials and businesses to create and conduct long-term programs of mutual interest and benefit. The Association currently receives no government funding (including local) but exists solely because of the commitment of private citizens and local businesses through membership and/or donations to the association. Dixon established its first sister city with Dikson, Siberia in the late 1980’s. We have just recently re-established contact with Dikson and we hope to have news from them soon, Currently, Dixon has four sister cities, Dikson, Siberia (now Russia), Herzberg, Germany, Castlebar, Ireland and Thika, Kenya. Three large delegations from Herzberg have visited Dixon, the last in October, 2007 and delegations from Dixon have visited Herzberg four times. In August of 2005, Dixon Sister Cities Association delegates, along with Mayor Jim Burke, traveled to Castlebar, Ireland to sign the charter establishing a sister city relationship. The City of Dixon formed a new Sister City relationship with Thika, Kenya in September, This sister city is the first Kenyan sister city relationship in Illinois. An invitation has been extended to them to visit Dixon again in WHO CAN JOIN THIS ASSOCIATION ? Anyone can join the Dixon Sister Cities Association – from the general public to small businesses and large corporations! WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? For the general public? Travel opportunities New friendships Learning opportunities/total immersion Adventure/new experiences Cultural exchange Ancestry/heritage research Fun association events Host international guest For small businesses and corporations? All of the above Plus Broadened tourism base New business opportunities Venue to promote products Corporate recognition Enhanced community image International goodwill WHAT FUTURE ACTIVITES ARE PLANNED in 2010? Visitors from our sister city Thika, Kenya visit from 9/26 through 10/6/2010 “7th Annual Oktoberfest” –October 2, 2010, celebrating all of our sister cities- ”Kenya Come to Dixon’s Irish Oktoberfest” at the VFW Hall Pork Chop Cookout at Oliver’s Corner Market June 26, 2010 Brazilian Dinner Fundraiser, June 12, 2010 Various events and fundraisers throughout the year – To be announced Youth Exchange