Работу выполнила Никулина Александра, ученица 3 класса «Б» Соликамск English-speaking countries
Official name: United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland Capital: London Area: 244,9 thousand square kilometers Population: Cities and towns: Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow Rivers: the Thames, the Severn, the Avon The UK
Symbols of the UK “Union Jack” The coat of arm of the UK Double-decker Red Rose
The USA Official name: The United States of America Capital: Washington Area: 9518,9 thousand square kilometers Population: Cities and towns: New York, Houston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit Rivers: the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado, the Columbia, the Hudson
Symbols of the USA “Stars and Stripes” The Statue of Liberty Mount Rushmore Coat of arm of the United States
Official name: Canada Capital: Ottawa Area: 9971 thousand square kilometers Population: Cities and towns: Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary Rivers: the Yukon, the Mackenzie, the St. Lawrence The Canada
Symbols of Canada The National Flag of Canada Coat of arm of Canada CN Tower The Canadian Inuksuk
Australia Official name: The Commonwealth of Australia Capital: Canberra Area: 7692 thousand square kilometers Population: Cities and towns: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth Rivers: the Murray, the Darling
Symbols of Australia Uluru Sydney Opera house The National Flag of Australia Coat of arm of Australia
New Zealand Official name: New Zealand Capital: Wellington Area: 270,5 thousand square kilometers Population: Cities and towns: Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin Rivers: the Waikato, the Clutha River, the Rakaia Riverthe, Manawatu River, the Inangahua River
Symbols of New Zealand The coat of arm of New Zealand The symbol of New Zealand is flightless shortsighted bird kiwi Maori are the indigenous inhabitants of the Islands of New Zealand The National Flag of New Zealand
English-speaking countries are waiting for tourists