Memberships … Easy as Pie!
Preferences Catalog Record Member Course Course for Members
Think it through When will memberships need to be renewed? Is there a fee to belong to the membership organization? Are courses restricted to members only? “Rolling” Membership v.s. Specific Expiration Date
Edit / Preferences / Course Tab
Create a catalog record
Create a Membership Course Type = Membership New Date Field Student List = Members Catalog Code
Set Fees Expiration can be either a date or number of days Membership expires on… 12/31/2010 Membership 365 Days After enrolling ….
Course Setup for Membership
Helpful Hints!
Any class can offer member discounts …AND you can add member codes To a person (student) manually if Desired… … more on that later…
Membership Requisites You can restrict anyone but an ACEClub member from enrolling in a course
Adding a name to a membership class automatically stamps the membership information & expiration date on the Demographics 2 tab.
An Active Membership entitles the participant to the member rate
A course may allow both members and non-members, so may contain other fees
Right click the membership date to adjust the expiration date
Now you’re ready to enroll organization members in classes!
Firm Level Fee Preference Ties to Name Fee Category Now, set a preferred fee at the FIRM and have all employees get that preference..
A little extra... Donations!
Donations have two options
A course designed to accept only donations
Course setup
An additional fee in an existing course
As an additional fee