Welfare Reform: district & housing implications Boyd Taylor 13 th June 2013
‘By the end of this tax year ( ) only about £8 billion of the £36 billion of benefits cuts over the four years will have been implemented.’ Welfare Reform in Norfolk, Dr Chris Edwards (UEA) on behalf of NCAN
Changes in context In Norwich estimate £35M loss in 14/15 £11M cuts ≈ 260 lost jobs Over four years 70,000 low income households in Norfolk may lose 17% of their income (£8pw every week for four years) GYBC and Norwich likely to be worst affected – impacts more in deprived areas Low income households tend to face higher inflation
Changes in Norwich Approximately 3,000 households affected by under occupation, the majority losing 14% of their Housing Benefit Benefit Cap affecting 80 households in the City resulting on average a cut of £62 per week to their benefit Changes to Working Tax Credit (capping Child Care, increasing hours worked, restricting annual increase) has resulted in £2.2m per lose of income to City businesses
Council Tax Reduction Schemes Localised to District Authority level Subsidy is not reactive In Norfolk, 7 authorities potentially 7 different schemes Potential to change each year Only affects working age claimants
Issues? Should there be a significant increase in need – negative impact on LA budget Advice minefield for third sector and cross authority workers Lack of coherence for claimants
Income Collection Still too early to be sure but……. Citizens Advice nationally reporting increase in people seeking advice LGIU reported member authorities beginning to see increase in arrears
Homelessness Increasing demand for Housing advice sought – LAs and Shelter Reasons for presenting Hidden financial strains?
Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse Incidents have increased 15% from 2010/11 to 2011/12 Norwich & Great Yarmouth have the highest incidences of DA Leeway comment on increase noted in the last 3 months
The future? Bed blocking in hostels – an increasing problem Increase in elder abuse Increase in stress related illnesses at surgery