New Hanover County 2017 Revaluation Update Roger Kelley Tax Administrator Tax Administration September 14, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

New Hanover County 2017 Revaluation Update Roger Kelley Tax Administrator Tax Administration September 14, 2015

New Hanover County Slide 2 Residential Progress Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015 Parcels visited to date are 56,608. Percentage complete is at 70.6%. Percentage complete should be at 76.3%. 23,566 residential parcels are left to visit. 9 appraisers measuring 25 parcels per day, working 3 days per week in the field, totals 675 parcels. This will complete the residential field data collection in 35 weeks. Projection completion of visiting all residential property is April 22, 2016.

New Hanover County Slide 3 Residential Progress Summary Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015

New Hanover County Slide 4 Commercial Progress Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015 Parcels visited to date are 3,916. Percentage complete is at 48.2%. Percentage complete should be at 72.9%. Will shift two appraisers from residential field data collection to commercial field data collection to correct deficit. 4,915 commercial parcels are left to visit. 4 appraisers measuring 10 parcels each per day, working 4 days per week in the field, totals 160 parcels. This will complete the commercial field data collection in 31 weeks. Projection completion of visiting all commercial property is March 25, 2016.

New Hanover County Slide 5 Commercial Progress Summary Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015

New Hanover County Slide 6 Administrative Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015 Number of Parcels encoded is currently 39,164 parcels.

New Hanover County Slide 7 Citizen’s Participation of the 56,608 parcels visited……. Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, ,838 (81%) people were not home. 9,391 (16.7%) door hangers were returned. 1,379 (2.4%) /online questionnaire’s were returned.

New Hanover County Slide 8 Miscellaneous Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015 Fully staffed with two commercial appraisers as of January 20, Fully staffed with eight residential appraisers as of February 25, Acquired two additional vehicles for personnel on March 20, Temporary data collectors started on December 15, Additional temporary data collector started on September 8, Temporary data encoders started in July of 2015.

New Hanover County Slide 9 Revaluation Timeline Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, 2015 April 2016 – Complete residential and commercial field data collection. September Residential and commercial value reviews. 1 st Commissioners meeting in August Presentation on the proposed 2017 Schedule of Values. 1 st Commissioners meeting in September Public hearing on the 2017 Schedule of Values. 2 nd Commissioners meeting in September Approval of the 2017 Schedule of Values. January 1, 2017 – Effective date of county wide reappraisal. January Mail out ‘2017 Notice of Values’ letters. January 2017 to March Informal Hearings. April Board of Equalization and Review Hearings.

New Hanover County Slide 10 Revaluation Progress Map Tax AdministrationSeptember 14, August 31, 2015