Accessing and Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications David R. Helms Office of Science and Technology NOAA National Weather Service AMDAR Regional Workshop Mexico City, Mexico November 9, 2011
Accessing and Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications. Table of Contents How to obtain AMDAR data from the GTS? How AeroMexico data will be made available? Processing and assimilating AMDAR data into NWP systems.
Accessing and Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications How to obtain AMDAR data from the GTS. Global Telecommunications System (GTS) The current Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Regional Meteorological Telecommunications Network (RMTN) in World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Association IV (RA-IV) (aka ISCS broadcast) will end on 30 June All ISCS/WAFS users are encouraged to register for access to the existing WAFS Internet File Service (WIFS). Information on how to register for access to WIFS can be found at: NWS GTS Internet File Service (GIFS) All users of the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) for RA-IV will be required to access data through an Internet based, NWS File Service Additional Info: POC: Robert Gillespie/NOAA
Backup for NWS GIFS: GEONET Cast-Americas: NWS is investigating the use of the existing GEONET Cast-Americas (GNC-A) satellite broadcast service. GNC-A will operate as an alternate method to GIFS for RA-IV RMTN user to obtain GTS data products. Additional Info: POC: Rich Fulton/NOAA NESDIS Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS): Collects, integrates, quality control (QC), and distribute observations from NOAA and non-NOAA organizations. MADIS leverages partnerships with international agencies; federal, state, and local agencies (e.g. state Departments of Transportation); universities; volunteer networks; and the private sector (e.g. airlines (AMDAR, railroads) Additional Info: POC: Leon Benjamin/NOAA OAR GSD NWS Gateway: The Gateway operates web servers and file servers. The web and file servers store all nationally-generated forecast products and globally received observational data. The web service provides browser access to retrieve data and forecasts. The file servers provide a file transfer service for retrieval of operational model forecasts and observational data. Additional Info: Accessing and Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications How to obtain AMDAR data from the GTS.
NWS Gateway: SMN AMDAR data (from AeroMexico), in BUFR format, will be made available though the Gateway FTP service once routed from ARINC (Annapolis, MD). A request for change will need to be submitted to route data through the NWS Gateway to the necessary circuits. NOAA MADIS: SMN AMDAR data will be routed from ARINC through the NWS Gateway to MADIS (Boulder, CO and Silver Spring, MD). MADIS will decode the BUFR file into netCDF/CSV format and made them available to SMN through a LDM account. All aircraft can be retrieved through MADIS using MADIS data service application which allows selection of observations using a latitude/longitude domain. NCEP NCO: SMN AMDAR data will be routed from ARINC through the NWS Gateway to NCEP NCO (Camp Springs, MD). NCEP NCO will decode the BUFR file into prepBUFR “tanks”. NCEP and SMN have agreements on FTP access. NOAA GSD AMDAR Java Viewer: SMN AMDAR data will be routed from ARINC to NOAA GSD (Boulder, CO) through NWS Gateway (if BUFR data), and directly (if ARINC620 format). GSD will decode SMN AMDAR data for assimilation into research models (HRRR) and display on web. Additional Info: Accessing and Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications How AeroMexico data will be made available.
Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation. COMET On-Line Training “Understanding Assimilation Systems
Generic Example of Data Assimilation Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation.
NCEP Error Checking: Upgraded PREPACQC QC Module NCEP used PREPACQC for non-MDCRS aircraft data (AMDAR, AIREP, PIREP, etc), PREPACARSQC for MDCRS/ACARS data. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) aircraft data QC program: - More comprehensive then either of the above programs. - QC’s all aircraft data types (one stop shopping… only have to maintain one QC module). NRL code obtained from Dr. Pat Pauley, who also has provided help with getting it integrated into the NCEP processing stream. As part of the new aircraft data QC package, a “mini- PREPBUFR” file containing aircraft profiles (ascents and descents) can be output for verification use. Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation.
Benefits of integrating NRL codes into NCEP Ops: –More thorough QC of meteorological data from aircraft more types of checks, especially more detailed track and position checking –Codes were also written by Obs/QC working group to generate “raob-lookalike” profiles Will be used by air quality and verification groups in EMC. Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation. NCEP Error Checking: Upgraded PREPACQC QC Module
Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation. NOGAPS implemented the NRL Atmospheric Variational Data Assimilation System-Accelerated Representer (NAVDAS-AR) in September 2009 (Xu et al 2009 … Thumb on the scale, all observations are not equal. How will SMN weigh AeroMexico observations? What will be the representative error of these data?
Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation. Observations make small corrections to model analysis
NOAA NCEP: Quality Assurance/Data Assimilation Gross Error Checks Brad Ballish – NCEP NCO (Camp Spring, MD) Scott Keyser – NCEP EMP (Camp Spring, MD) Bill Moninger – OAR/ESRL/GSD (Boulder, CO) Pat Pauley – NRL (Monterey, CA) Data Assimilation: Grid Spatial Interpolation/GDAS: RUC, NAM, and GFS Scott Keyser, John Derber (Camp Spring, MD) Models: Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) -> Rapid Refresh Model Stan Benjamin (Boulder) North American Model (NAM) Geoff Dimego (Camp Springs) Global Forecast System (NAM) John Ward (Camp Springs) Air Quality and Dispersion: Jeff McQueen (Camp Springs, MD Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Data Assimilation.
Boundary layer depth verification system at NCEP M. Tsidulko, C. M. Tassone, J. McQueen, G. DiMego, and M. Ek 15th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing 29 June 2010 Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications: Air Quality Applications.
David R. Helms Office of Science and Technology NOAA National Weather Service Questions? Accessing and Utilizing AMDAR Data for NWP Applications