Read this page first. A web browser is software on your computer that lets you visit web pages. The address bar is a box in a web browser displaying the address of the web page that is currently being viewed. Clicking the home button makes the browser go to the home page. Clicking the back button makes the browser go back one page. Clicking the forward button makes the browser go forward one page. Clicking the refresh button updates or reloads a webpage. Clicking the stop button stops a webpage from loading.
Drag the star next to the definition of a web browser. A search engine website like Google. A website where you can play games. Software on you computer that lets you visit webpages and use web applications.
Put stars on the web browser icons.
Sort the web browser parts. Home Forward Back Refresh Stop Address Bar
Practice typing the words three times each.
Drag the button next to the sentence that describes its job. Stop loading a web page. Go to the home page. Go forward one page. Go back one page. Reload or refresh a webpage.
Drag the words by the arrow pointing to the correct part. StopRefreshForwardBackHome Address Bar
Make your own web browser window.