Communicating the Science of the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
Sending the Message Out: Conservation Strategy: most important work so far Next, first step in the ecological transformation of the eastern landscape. The effort must inspire… The document must work to deliver the common message across the range This is an inclusive effort
Expectations of the Document: –A blueprint for obtaining and prioritizing funding and obtaining resources to assist states in their brook trout restoration efforts. –To promote specific programs and projects for brook trout conservation with target audiences, including funders. –Provide a clearly spelled out ‘call to action’ directing the reader to an appropriate response.
Expectations of the Document: To address multiple target audiences, this document should provide a common message worthy of custom delivery to multiple audiences. At all levels of public and private decision making, this document shall inspire and facilitate coordinated management aimed toward active protection and restoration of brook trout habitat and populations.
Distilled: 1) Component of the bigger campaign: 2) Must stand alone to inspire the reader to some kind of investment in brook trout conservation. 3) Must identify the target audiences it is designed for, be the prop, the reason to deliver the words, but the delivery is the key. 4) Acceptable, but powerful. 5) Must define the ‘appropriate response’ we want the reader to take, and then track that response as a true measure of our success.
The Tone of the Document: How does it Sound? Committed: Competent: Confident: Credible: Trustworthy: Welcoming:
Document Layout: A consumer behavior model The Brook Trout Legacy Who should be interested The current condition: define the need Goals and Objectives: Our strategy Success at appropriate scales: Play at your own level and join a winning team Call to action by the targeted audiences: Individuals, Conservation organizations, Businesses and Watershed Associations Final word about funding: