Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin Wind turbine modelling for grid code analysis Alan Mullane & Mark O’Malley Electricity Research Centre (ERC)
Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin Grid code - Fault ride through Stay connected in shaded region Stay connected in shaded region Provide active power in proportion to retained voltage Provide active power in proportion to retained voltage Maximise reactive current to transmission NW for at least 600ms or until voltage recovery Maximise reactive current to transmission NW for at least 600ms or until voltage recovery Provide 90% of max achievable power within 1s of recovery Provide 90% of max achievable power within 1s of recovery
Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin Grid code wind model Wind farm model designed according to grid code specifications Wind farm model designed according to grid code specifications Comparison with 300MVA conventional plant Comparison with 300MVA conventional plant Steam turbine with governor Steam turbine with governor IEEE Type 1 Exciter model IEEE Type 1 Exciter model Round rotor synchronous machine Round rotor synchronous machine Response to fault on 220kV Transmission System Response to fault on 220kV Transmission System
Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin Voltage comparison for conventional 300MVA station and wind power station (20kV Bus) Voltage (pu) Time (s) Conventional Wind
Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin Reactive Power comparison for conventional 300MVA station & wind power station Reactive Power (MVAr) Time (s) Conventional Wind
Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin Conclusions Wind grid codes difficult to design Wind grid codes difficult to design Dynamic models which map wind grid codes are useful for code refinement Dynamic models which map wind grid codes are useful for code refinement No mapping of physical characteristics No mapping of physical characteristics Use with care Use with care Not suitable for connection studies Not suitable for connection studies Generic approach should nonetheless be considered Generic approach should nonetheless be considered